Internal Communications
At the end of this unit you should be able to 1.Recognise how information flows within an organisation 2.Identify formal and informal communication structures within an organisation 3.Discuss the importance of keeping open channels of communication 4.Identify specific channels/media of communication and their usefulness in particular situations 5.Conduct a communication audit on a business or organisation
What we will look at in this unit Formal Communication Structures – Organisation Chart Communication Flow – up, down, lateral, Informal Communication – grapevine Communication media – – Types – which to choose Internal communications audit
Internal Communication refers to the exchange of information that occurs among people within the organisation good internal communication systems necessary for efficient functioning
Why is internal communication important?
Essential to functioning of organisation Creates understanding-objectives & roles Improves culture Job satisfaction Safety Decrease litigation, staff turnover & absenteeism
FORMAL Internal Communication STRUCTURES Sanctioned by management Follow predictable paths LIST examples of formal internal communication structures.
Organisational Chart
Task: Organisation Chart Identify an organisation to which you belong or have belonged. Sketch the organisational chart. 1.Is it tall or is it flat? 2.Does the chart reflect the organisations culture? 3.What are the strengths and weaknesses of the structure?
Communication Flow - 3 basic directions 1.Downwards 2.Upwards 3.Laterally 4.Diagonally
Information Flow in a Retail Organisation Strategic information Operational information
Information about the organisation’s mission, values, strategic goals Employee handbook Standard operating manual Job descriptions Information about major accomplishments, concerns, announcements, audits, etc Operational issues and decisions Downward Communication
Downward communication STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES
Downward communication STRENGTHS Establishes clear lines of authority and who does what! Logical way to keep employees informed Can motivate employees towards the organisations vision & strategy Employees get to know managements view WEAKNESSES Message gets diluted or distorted Wrong channel may be used Messages may be withheld or manipulated Could damage morale Information overload Problems with accuracy, consistency, completeness
Resistance from managers Information overload Organisation structure – e.g. tall organisation with many levels of management Organisation culture/ management style – e.g. very formal bureaucratic culture; closed, secretive management style Barriers to Downward Communication
Status reports, reports to management Notification of problems Complaints/ grievances Ideas and suggestions Attitudes Upward Communication
Upward communication STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES
Upword communication STRENGTHS Invaluable source of new ideas & information for managers Enables employees to participate Motivates employees Empowers employees WEAKNESSES 1.Employees playing politics 2.Fear of speaking your mind 3.Managers hearing but not listening 4.Gatekeeping 5.Added frustration
Reasons for Poor Upward Communication
horizontal communication between staff at the same level in the organisation. It is used for: Liaising and co-ordinating activities Sharing information and ideas, expertise and best practice Lateral Communication
Lateral communication STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES
Lateral communication STRENGTHS Strengthens teamwork Spreads knowledge, skill & expertise Reduces dependence on management Contributes to positive atmosphere of mutual support WEAKNESSES Cliques could form and shut others out Employees may feel managers need to be more involved Employees may find it difficult to cope with continuous later communication May not work in a competitive environment
Increased specialisation of organisation sub- units Problems with language - different ‘jargon’ Power rivalries and gate-keeping Reasons for Poor Lateral Communication
communicating with someone who is not at the same level in the organisation and not in direct chain of command Diagonal Communication
Diagonal communication STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES
Diagonal communication STRENGTHS Reduces barriers between departments Increase knowledge flow between departments Creates better understanding between departments thus increasing overall team effort WEAKNESSES May offend your manager May not be appropriate to communicate in this way May cause rivalry if two departments become very close at expense of others Important information may not get communicated upward/downward
Task: Communication Flow Think about your organisation earlier 1.What direction does communication flow in this organisation? 2.How effective are they? 3.What are the barriers to communication?
Informal Communication Pathways of daily interaction Dependent on social relationships
The Grapevine In favour ofAgainst
The Grapevine In favour of Messages travel quickly Often the only source of vital information Some say mainly accurate Builds cohesiveness Creates culture Test bed Natural & relaxed Against Information follows an unpredictable path Usually some element of distortion Information unrecorded Some people may be bypassed or excluded Can be damaging
Clique 1 The Grapevine Clique 2 Clique 3 Clique 4 Isolate
Task: I heard it through the grapevine ! 1.What information do you receive informally in your organisation? 2.What information did/do you receive informally as a student?
‘The Medium is the Message’Marshall McLuhan Key decisions 1.What is the PURPOSE? 2.Who are my AUDIENCE? 3.Which is the most effective channel of communication (MEDIUM)?
When choosing a Medium….. Consider…………… Speed Distance Quantity Intimacy Talent
Task: Your choice of media? 1.List as many media types used by organisations. 2.Give examples when to use each type for communication in an organisation.
Internal Media FormalInformalOther Intranet Intercom Meetings- many types/ Briefings Instant messaging (IM) (Electronic) notice board Manuals/reports/ memos/letters Informal meeting Magazine/ezineInformal chat Corporate video
Summary- Internal Communications Good communication essential to organisational functioning Formal & informal communication Choosing appropriate medium critical to effectiveness of message