Smart Grid, Data and Behaviour – Privacy and Security Issues - Potential for Secure Computation Lexpert Seminar December 9, 2013David Young, Partner
Smart Grid Data – Personal Information? “Personal Information” is information about an identifiable individual (FIPPA; PIPEDA) Energy consumption data that relates to an individual (e.g., a homeowner) is personal information If that energy consumption data can be made appliance-specific then that would be personal information 2
Granularity of Energy Use Data Pointing to Lifestyle, Habits, Activities Energy use data may be either aggregate or (potentially) specific to appliances May reveal behaviour patterns, activities within a home – including sensitive aspects e.g., sleeping/waking, health, affluence 3
Smart Grid Data – Big Data? Energy-usage data when combined with other non-identifiable data (e.g., consumer profile data generated through internet tracking) may render the resulting dataset personal information Granular energy use data when combined data from other sources indicating a customer’s profile may enable monitoring of usage patterns and appliance use 4
Smart Grid Data – What Uses? Energy System Planning Conservation initiatives o demand management/centralized control instructions o Smart Meter/time of use data o social benchmarking o behavioural change Secondary uses (e.g., targeted marketing) 5
Smart Grid Data – What Collectors, Users? Utilities (LDCs) Public sector market stakeholders (e.g., IESO, Smart Metering Entity, OEB, OPA, Government) Customers Private sector energy management providers Electricity market parties that collect or hold PI have an obligation to ensure its security even when disclosed to third party service providers 6
De-identification of Smart Grid Data Personal information that has been anonymized or aggregated so that it is not, and cannot be made, identifiable is no longer personal information Smart Grid data that is de-identified may be analyzed or disclosed to third parties in a secure manner Potential for secure analysis by a market participant(e.g. IESO/LDC) and use of that data without re-identifying it 7