Popliteal Fossa Presentation by : Group (621-630)
Shape Boundaries Diamond Inter-Muscular Space 3 Upper Lateral 1- Biceps Femoris 2 Upper Medial 2- Semitendinosus 3- Semimembranosus 1 5 4- Medial Head of Gastrocnemius Lower Medial 4 6 Lower Lateral 5- Plantaris 6- Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius
Shape Boundaries Floor 1 1- Popliteal Surface of Femur 2 2- Back of the Capsule of Knee Joint 3- Popliteus Muscle & Fascia 3 Vertical Sectional View
1- Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh Shape Boundaries Floor Roof Skin Superficial Fascia * End of Small Saphenous Vein *Medial Cutaneous Nerves of Thigh *Lateral Cutaneous Nerves of Calf Deep Fascia Pierced by : 1- Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh 1 2 2- Small Saphenous Vein
Shape Boundaries Floor Roof Contents In Addition to Diagram * Genicular Branch of Posterior Division of Obturator Nerve * Popliteal Lymph nodes * Popliteal Fat
Contents to Be Discussed Popliteal Artery Popliteal Vein Lateral Popliteal Nerve Medial Popliteal Nerve
Contents to Be Discussed Popliteal Artery
Popliteal Artery Floor of the fossa Origin Termination continuation of femoral artery Termination Course & Relations deepest structure in the popliteal fossa Deep Relations : Floor of the fossa passes downward and laterally from the upper medial boundary of the fossa downward to the inferior angle Superficial Relations Upper : semimembranosus Middle : Medial Popliteal N & Popliteal V Lower : Gastrocnemius
Popliteal Artery Branches Muscular Genicular Sural Terminal Hamstrings & Calf Superior Medial & Lateral Anterior & Posterior Tibial Inferior Medial & Lateral Middle
Contents to Be Discussed Popliteal Artery Popliteal Vein
Small Saphenous Vein 5 Genicular Veins Muscular Veins Popliteal Vein Origin At lower border of Popliteus by Venae Comitantes of Ant & Post Tibial a . Termination Continue as Femoral V . Tributaries Small Saphenous Vein 5 Genicular Veins Muscular Veins
Contents to Be Discussed Lateral Popliteal Nerve Popliteal Artery Popliteal Vein Lateral Popliteal Nerve
Lateral Popliteal Nerve (Common Peroneal Nerve) L4,5 & S1,2 Origin Lateral & smaller of the 2 terminal branches of Sciatic Nerve Course & Relations 1- enter fossa through its upper angel lateral to medial popliteal N Termination 2- descend downward laterally along medial border of Biceps Femoris Muscle 3- leave fossa through lateral angel 4- descend behind head of fibula curve around its neck inside substance of Peroneus Longus Muscle
Lateral Popliteal Nerve (Common Peroneal Nerve) Branches L4,5 & S1,2 Lateral Popliteal Nerve Cutaneous Articular Sural Communicating Nerve Superior Lateral Genicular Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Calf Inferior Lateral Genicular Recurrent Genicular - Arise near end of the nerve - Pierce upper part of Tibialis Anterior Muscular -Ascend through substance of Extensor Digitorum Longus No Muscular Branches in the Fossa Supply Short head of Biceps Femoris in the back of the thigh
Contents to Be Discussed Popliteal Artery Popliteal Vein Lateral Popliteal Nerve Medial Popliteal Nerve
Medial Popliteal Nerve (Tibial Nerve) L4,5 & S1,2,3 Origin Medial Terminal Branch of Sciatic Nerve Termination Course Become Posterior Tibial Nerve Relation with Vessels : Lateral Superficial Medial Coverings : - Upper part : Hamestring - Lower Part : Gastrocnemius - Enter through Upper Angle - Most Superficial Structure -Leave through Lower Angle
Medial Popliteal Nerve (Tibial Nerve) Branches Tibial Nerve Articular Muscular To Knee Joint - Superior Medial - Inferior Medial - Middle Genicular Nerves Cutaneous Sural Nerve
Sural Nerve * Descends in the groove between 2 heads of Gastrocnemius by short saphenous nerve. * In the lower 1/3 of the leg, it is joined by the Sural Communicating branch of lateral popliteal nerve * It runs behind & below the lateral malleolus then forward along the lateral border of the foot. * It supplies the skin of the lower 1/3 of the back of the leg & lateral border of the foot & little toe.
Popliteal Fossa Presentation by : Group (621-630)