(095) Software for trading companies Business Manager
(095) How much does your company make this year (month/week/day) ? Who of the managers was the best? Which deals were successful? Where we have losses and why? “Business Manager” gives the reliable answers on these and much more other questions to manage the business successfully. Independently of where you are, you can get “real time” information of the Current Business situation, its Past and the Future!
(095) Commodity position report, Cost of your inventory, Prepayments, Advances, Cash, current payments and incomes, Shipments. P&L for today and changes of previous P&L for the chosen period. All the information is available On Line, and you can get it “In two clicks” Present Future Past You have complete Cash Flow management and Treasury functions to be executed through Business Manager! It stores all the provisional incomes and expenses, including Budget, Credit lines Interest, Cost of storage, ets. Also you can evaluate the commercial deals to be executed in the future! Business Manager supplies you with detailed information for deals, P&L analyses. Control of Sales, Prime cost calculation,Deals history, history of Trades execution from the very beginning of the deal to its final execution (All delivery made, all payments made, all incomes accepted). Activity of all managers, their success and fails. Results of The Company, of the Group. You can manage the commodities and finance with Business Manager.
(095) The idea of total control is in the basis of the software “Business Manager”. It is optimized to run your Management accounting policy, such as Activity Based Cost (for example). You can answer the questions «Who?», «When?», «How much?», «Where?» immediately! Just open the proper report!
(095) P&L Total (example)
(095) P&L by vessels (Example)
(095) Account activity report (example)
(095) Balance with Suppliers. Current Trades (one of the variants)
(095) Examples of “Trading position”
(095) Examples of “Trading position”
(095) Examples of Inventory (Silo) reports (3 in one)
(095) Silo Activity report (commodity and cash)
(095) rd Party full history
(095) Business Manager has special Report Manager for editing and creation of reports. It allows to create simple and complicate reports including cross reports.
(095) For Finance managers! Budget creation. Control of budget execution. Budget corrections, set up of limits. Credit lines management Control of subsidiaries Current trading and financial Balance Multi currencies Instant messages system allows to control the other managers activities, create and manage “to do” list
(095) Wilmark Group Ltd created the Business Manager for the companies whose goals are: Profit increase Volume of sales increase with strict control Market share increase Finance and commodity management optimization The software uses Microsoft SQL Server of Microsoft Corp as database. The interface was made with Delphi Tools of Borland Corp. Wilmark Group wish your Company success and achievements!