Laboratory Animal Care BOSTON UNIVERISTY Animal Health Monitoring
Female Male
Estrus Detection in Mice Estrus Non-Estrus swollen, moist closed vaginal and open appearance opening of Vaginal opening.
Normal Females with Copulatory Plugs Copulatory plugs is made of several different components---sperm, ejaculate fluids, and mucus are primary substances that harden within the cervix.( Hard Waxy)
Healthy Mouse
Normal Rat
Normal Mouse Normal
Sick Mouse Hunched posture
Signs of Pain and Distress in Rodents Decreased activity Unkempt fur (not grooming) Pilo – erection Hunched posture Rapid shallow Breathing “ Red tears “ albino rats” Squinting of eyes Vocalization Feed and/or water refusal Weight loss
Alopecia Hair loss Due to excessive grooming Metabolic dysfunctions External parasites and Nutritional disorders
Facial Barbering Agouti (brown mouse) Dominant male chews off the hair from head, neck and back of the less dominant cage mate
Barbering vs Shaved Barbered Shaved
Ulcerative Dermatitis Syndrome Usually in black mice of a C57BL/6 background. Mice will develop a dermatitis with alopecia and skin ulcers. Mice will scratch at the effected region until ulcers form. The ulcerated areas often scar, causing restriction of limb movement. Any skin lesions should be brought to the attention of vet services.
Mild Dermatitis
Mild Dermatitis Early Detection is Important!
More Severe Dematitis….
Too Much Caladryl !
Fight wounds
Fight Wounds Fighting is usually seen in males. The wounds are often seen on the tail, backs and genital area.
It is important to note fight wounds EARLY, Before they turn into….
Urine Scalding
Dystocia = difficult birth This is when a female has difficulty giving birth. Signs might include vaginal discharge, dehydration, and lethargy. Normal mice give birth only at night – if they are in labor during day, something is wrong. There may also be dead pups in the cage. Normal birth times = 1 – 3.5 hours for a litter of 11 pups
Vaginal Prolapse
Vaginal prolapse and ulcerative dermatitis
Rectal prolapse
Penile Prolapsed Alopecia!
Do you think this mass is too big? YES! It impedes movement
Mass in scrotal area
Mass with open lesion
Lesions on bottom surfaces of paws due to Burns
Would you say this mouse is pregnant? What if I told you that this mouse is a….
Head Tilt
Irritated eye with discharge
Did you also note his irritated eye?
Severe Malocclusion
Trimming Malocclusion
Is there anything wrong with this mouse?
Hydrocephalus vs Normal
Ringtail (Tail Constriction)
Ringtail Possible cause Low Humidity
Is there a difference here?
Healthy vs. Sick Look at: 1.Eyes 2.Ears 3.Tail
Porphyrin in Rats (red tears) Porphyrin is naturally secreted, and normally groomed away and not seen in most instances.
Protruding eye = Exophthalmic
Rabbit Swollen foot
Step 1 Post Examine Cage sticker on Cage
Step 2 Fill out Request for Exam Form
Step 3 Vet Services will post Examine Cards on Cage after Assessment.
Animals Recovering from Surgery Blue cards NO Abbreviations for Procedures!!!
Your help in caring for all the animals at LASC is greatly appreciated!