….One prevailing Modernist concept of the artist and artistic work involves the conviction that art is first and foremost in the service of the artist's own expression. …Contemporary art …often plays the role of trickster, healer, or alchemist, helping us observe and consider our world, beliefs, and daily lives in fundamentally new ways. Artworks that sneak up on us and surprise us may be able to do so because they are in disguise…. Drawing Outside the Lines catalog copy
Modernism in a Nutshell
The Enlightenment [17 th – late 19 th centuries]
Liberty Leading the People 1830, Delacroix, Louvre, Paris, France Arcadian Shepherds,1650, Poussin, Louvre, Paris, France The Swing, 1766, Fragonard, Wallace Collection, London, England Anatomy Lesson Rembrandt, 1634, Mauritshuis, Hague, Netherlands Mountain Landscape with Bridge, Gainsborough, 1784, private collection(?)/Artstpr.org Odalisque with Slave,1841, Ingres, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
Marcel Duchamp ( )
Impression, Sunrise, 1872, Monet, Musée Marmottan, Paris Dance at the Moulin de la Galette, 1876, Renoir, Musee d’Orsay, France The Scream, 1893, Munch, Nasjonalgalleriet (Norway) Self portrait with Bandaged Ear, 1890, Van Gogh, Courtauld Institute Galleries
Bottle Rack, 1914 (1964 replica of the 1914 work), readymade Artstor.org
In Advance of the Broken Arm, 1964, readymade Artstor.org
Fountain, 1917 (1964 replica of original) readymade Artstor.org
Mile of String, installation, 1951 Artstor.org
Wanted, $2,000 Reward, 1923, photos mounted on lithograph Artstor.org
Rrose Selavy, Man Ray, photo, 1921 Artstor.org
Wanted, $2,000 Reward, 1923, photos mounted on lithograph Artstor.org
John Cage (1912 – 1992)
Score for John Cage’s 4’, 33”
Performing 4’33” by John Cage, photo, John Neff / Artnet.com
John Cage musical score Deodesign.wordpress..org
Sample pages from four scores by John Cage The Bride and the Bachelors: Five Masters of the Avant-Garde by Calvin Tomkins
another variation of the score for Fontana Mix, 1958 Diagonal thoughts.com
One possible version of the Variations II score (The Shapes of Indeterminacy: John Cage's Variations I and Variations II, by David P. Miller, 2003)
Score for Chess Pieces, 1940, paint and collage on canvas Greg.org
Robert Rauschenberg ( )
White Painting, 1951, house paint on canvas Artstor.org
Woman I, Willem De Kooning oil on canvas Artstor.org
De Kooning Drawing Erased by Rauschenberg, 1953, erased drawing Artstor.org
Monogram, 1955 – 59, combine Artstor.org
Odalisk, , combine Artstor.org
obelisk “A tall, slender four-sided pillar, gradually tapering as it rises, having the top in the form of a pyramid.” (Webster’s) Washington Monument, Washington DC Artstor.org odalisque “A female slave or concubine in an Oriental harem.” (Webster’s) Odalisque and Slave by Ingres Dailyventure.com
Odalisk, , combine Artstor.org
Canyon, 1959, combine Artstor.org
Bed, 1955, combine Artstor.org
Tracer, 1963, oil and silkscreen on canvas Artstor.org
Tracer, 1963, oil and silkscreen on canvas Artstor.org
Venus at a Mirror, 1615, Peter Paul Rubens oil on canvas Artstor.org
Persimmon, 1964, oil and silkscreen on canvas Artstor.org
Skyway, 1964, oil and silkscreen on canvas Artstor.org
Tire Print, 1951, monoprint on paper, 16 x 264 inches Artstor.org