Office of the Procurement Executive
A DUNS number is a 9 digit number obtained from DUN and Bradstreet. DUNS stands for Data Universal Numbering System A DUNS Number can be obtain for organizations doing business with the Federal Government by calling Opt. 4 When obtaining a DUNS number be sure to provide information consistent with what you have reported to the IRS if you are a U.S. based NGO.
Foreign registrants in CCR must have a NATO Commercial and Governmental Entity (NCAGE) Code assigned. If your organization does not already have an NCAGE assigned, for most countries you can obtain one using the form at this link
To request an NCAGE from a country other than the countries listed in the block 2, connect to the non-NATO NCAGE tool at That site is hosted by the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) in Luxembourg. When you get to that Web site, click on the "CAGE Code Request" tab and follow the instructions. ◦ The first screen you will come to will allow you to check to see if an NCAGE is already assigned to the company that you require an NCAGE for. If your search does not find an existing NCAGE, click on the tab called "Request New CAGE" at the bottom of the search results screen. Follow the instructions provided on the Web site. ◦ After you submit your request, you will automatically receive: 1) a request confirmation/validation message and 2) a second message once the CAGE request is processed (assignment of the code or reject of the request).
Prior to registering in CCR, insure that your newly assigned NCAGE is listed on the Business Identification Number Cross- Reference System (BINCS) at CS/. If the assigned NCAGE is not listed in BINCS call the Customer Interaction Center at: or or send a message to CS/
If you are not already registered with the Central Contractor Registration, you will need to do so. Registration requires a DUNS Number as well as financial and management information about your organization. Data entered in CCR IDs checked against IRS Tax Records
The eBusiness Point of Contact must authorize the person submitting the application to submit on their behalf. The eBusiness Point of Contact providing the authorization must be from the organization that is to receive the award of funds. Failure to authorize the submitter, will result in the application being rejected by with the error message of “not authorized”. A grant writer will have to be authorized by each organization’s Business POC for every application that is submitted for that organization.
Dun & Bradstreet opt.4 ◦ service/global-contact-us/ html service/global-contact-us/ html CCR Help or ◦ 8am - 8pm Eastern Time ◦ 24x7 Closed on Federal Holiday.