Goalie Mask : Where Challenge By: Chad Bachmeier
The Type of Goalie Mask I chose the Bauer 960 goalie mask because it’s the mask that some of the pros use.
What are the items in a Goalie Mask that are non-renewable resources? Question : What are the items in a Goalie Mask that are non-renewable resources?
The Non-renewable Earth Resources in a Goalie Mask are: Plastic Steel Fiberglass
But what is plastic and where does it come from?
Plastic Plastic is made out of Petroleum, Oil and natural gas. It is used for the shell of the mask.
Petroleum Petroleum a naturally occurring, flammable liquid. It is found in rock’s beneath the earth's surface. Petroleum resources have been produced from all areas from around the world. In the United States, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Indonesia, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Canada and Venezuela.
Oil Oil is a substance that is found in the earths crust. It is lighter than water and is a darker color. It is found in big amounts in Canada, USA, Saudi Arabi and Iran.
Natural Gas Natural gas is a mixture of gases that formed from the fossil fuels. The main ingredient in natural gas is methane. Natural Gas is found in many places in the world. The places are Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, USA, Nigeria, Algeria, Venezuela and Canada.
But what is steel and where does it come from?
Steel Steel is made out of Iron ore and is used on the cage of the Goalie Mask
Iron Ore Iron Ore is a common metal found in the earth's crust, where it occurs in combination with other elements. The term "iron ore" is used when the rock is rich in iron minerals to be mined. Iron ore usually consists of iron oxides and carbonates. The sources are Canada, USA, Brazil, Venezuela and Australia.
But what is fiberglass and where does it come from?
Fiberglass Fiber glass is made out of quartz sand and limestone. It is used for the shell of the Mask as well.
Quartz Sand Quartz Sand is a rock formed from cooled magma. It can crystallized into quartz crystals. Sand is usually silica. It is mined in Brazil and the U.S.A.
Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock . There is mineral calcite in limestone that is from decomposed marine animals. It is mined in a open pit mine in Canada, USA, Nigeria, Vietnam, France and Sweden.
Some Cool Masks
If we ran out of non-renewable resources how would we make goalie masks?
Websites http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/LFAA_HQ/stories/mask_08.h Tml http://cdn.nhl.com/images/media/masks/eastern/OTT-Gerber-New3.jpg http://www.energy.gov.ab.ca/NaturalGas/graphics/NGC_Molecule.jpg http://www.seed.slb.com/v2/FAQView.cfm?ID=913 http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/zzzy7768/product-detailYoMmQRfxxTrE/China-Calcined-Petroleum-Coke.html http://www.enotes.com/earth-science/petroleum http://composite.about.com/od/aboutcompositesplastics/l/aa050597.htm http://www.goaliestore.com/board/equipment-forum/86375-transformer-mask-design.html http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5157819_epoxy-resin-made.html http://www.enotes.com/how-products-encyclopedia/goalie-mask http://www.bauer.com/gear/goalie/masks/7052-BAUER http://www.icethetics.info/ \http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/22/sports/olympics/22mask.html?fta=y http://seattlesportsonline.com/Tbirds/gamers/tbirdstukarski0326.html
Websites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Iron_lamp.jpg http://photos.toast.net/ImageResizeCache/a376f463bc84954c8149f0f765ea1c0b.jpg http://www.akvatex.com/files/quartz_sand.jpg http://www.thehockeyguild.com/thegoalieguild/niittymask01.jpg http://ingoalmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Kipper3r.jpg http://www.tanhaa.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/price-mask-2.jpg