Side, 100 mm diameter. 10mm Plywood Ridge. 22mm x22mm x 110mm softwood, shaped like diagram. Galvanized wire mesh 6mm squares. 125 mm x 230mm. Stapled to Plywood. Holes drlled and coutersinked 13mm from the top.25mm zinc plated screws Bird Feeder. Cage Centre point of Circle 90mm from centre of plywood side to the top.
Roof. Wire to allow bird feeder to be hung up 100mm plywood 125mm x150mm 10 mm Plywood 115mm x 150 mm 4mm splay dressed off with block plane 4 mm splay like side 1 Side 1 Side mm panel pins Drill 3mm holes through the ridge to allow the wire to pas through. Approx. 300mm long
Bird Feeder instructions. 1.Cut out 2 side from 10mm plywood with the coping saw for the circular end and a panel saw for the straight ends. Drill and countersink using a 3mm drill and countersink drill bit 13 mm from the top. 2.Cut out the ridge from the soft wood (110mm long ) and dress the softwood to the angle of the roof, similar to the diagram on the drawing. 3.Cut out the wire mesh to (125mm x 230mm) being careful not to cut your hands on the sharp edges. And then using the stapler, staple the wire mesh on the both edges of the plywood sides. This has now formed the cage of the feeder. 4.Cot out the two Pisces of plywood for the roof not forgetting to dress the angles on one end of each of the roof sides, (this is to allow a good fit when nailing together) Glue and nail using 25mm panel pins the roof sections together. 5.Drill 2 3mm holes through the ridge 20mm from each end, pass the 300 mm of wire through the holes and then bend both ends of the wire slightly so a screw can pass through. 6.Here we are going to join the roof to the cage by fitting the wire between the plywood sides and the ridge and screwing through them all together with a 25mm zinc plated screw at both ends through the holes made earlier. 7.Stain with n animal friendly stain.
List of equipment needed. 1 Panel saw 2 Coping saw 3 Cordless drill 4 Screw driver 5 work bench 6 sand paper 7 wire snips 82mm wood drill, 3mm wood drill and countersink bits to drill holes. 9Try square 10Stapler and staples 11Wood Glue 1225mm panel pins 13Hammer 14Block plane 15G cramps or other kind of cramps. 16Measuring tape and a rule 17Pencil