Composing Concrete Music
Listening John Cage: “Williams Mix” (from the listening list) The Williams Mix is a collage piece, made from pre-recorded sounds on tape. The score provides realization instructions. You actually place audio tape on the score, cutting the tape according to the diagrams. Separates process, from materials, and ultimately from the composition itself.
Reading Assignment From Audio Culture: John Cage, “The Future of Music: Credo” (pp ) First, read the text IN ALL CAPS, skipping over the sections of text in between the capitalized sections. Second, read the whole text straight through. The “normal text” sections are elaborations/explanations on the CAPITALIZED sections.
John Cage (additional info) BBC Music Profiles: John Cage html html Wikipedia: John Cage Larry Austin’s original recreation of the Williams Mix, explained at
Upcoming Due Dates Quiz 1: 1/31. Reading and lectures, plus listening list. Review in class on 1/26. Project 1: 1/31, at the beginning of class.
Peak Demonstrations In-class demo - watch me compose live…