Cute Hamsters! What to know. By: Michelle Chalk
Basic Info on hamsters: They are very popular house pets Hamsters are easy to care for Love interacting with people! And hamsters are tiny rodent like mammels lives 2-4 years
When you arive at the pet shop! You should try to buy the hamster in the evening when he is most active Always buy a healthy hamster The body should be smooth and well kept the coat should be clean with no bare patches ears should be clean on inside and if you want a young hamster hair on outside eyes should be bright and clean buy a young hamster so it can live longer and be easier to tame. hamsters should be kept in seperate cages because they are solitary they can knaw out of cardboard so bring a cage for him when you buy him have its cage ready before you buy one so they dont have to wait!
Are You a first owner? Ask yourself this question. If the answer is yes, you should get a syrian hamster instead of dwarf because they are more tame and calm.
What to put in it's cage. first off, you need to clean the cage once a week! fill the bottom with bedding to burrow in (popular matieral is carefresh colors and wood shavings but with shavings never chose pine or aspen because the scent is to strong for them) also don't use cotten or whool bedding because your hammy can get stuck in it! put food in cage then set up water bottle add chews, excersise wheel, and many more toys! Enjoy!
Diet Can eat seeds, grains, nuts, vegtables, and some fruits feed him a small handfull once a day get your hammy a good veriaty of foods ( i sujest Hazel Hamster as great food because it has all sorts of different foods, then add veggies) good veggies include broccoli, turnips, and carrots they need FRESH water! make sure vegtables don't get moldy in small amounts, apples and pears are great!
Yes taming! taming steps 1 Watch your hamster for a few days, let it get used to you being there 2 When your hamster is comftorable let it eat from your hand 3 get your hamster used to being picked up! 4 now you should be able to play with your hammy
Lost hammy and hammy health Lost hammy try making a trail of food into his cageandbwtch to see if he eats anything put a pile of food in a room and put flour around it so footprints will lead you to your hammy turn of all electronics and see if you can hear him Hammy heath Don't give hamsters a bath, they clean themselves! If you think your hamster pal is sick, take him to a vet for a cheakup.
Morning routines! 1. spot clean the cage and clean up any little dung. 2. Put a small handful of food in his dish 3. fill the water bottle with new, fresh water 4. make sure his toys are in tact 5. Play time! hamsters need playtime everyday or else they will forget who you are or become untame. 6. fully clean his cage once a week!
Any Questions? seriously, i love them ask away! Thanks!