Patient Handling & Back-care Presented by: P W IOSH Trainer BackCare999
Learning Tell me and I will forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I will understand
Course objectives By the end of the course, participants will: Be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of key people handling. Have a basic knowledge of human anatomy. Understand principle-led moving and handling best practice.
Manual handling operations “any transporting or supporting of a load by hand or bodily force Includes: Lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof Using mechanical aids, e.g. trolleys
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Photos removed to reduce size – boxes in a factory setting
Photos of bins removed to reduce size
Driving forces Addressing manual handling issues can lead to benefits: Legal compliance: criminal law Social: fewer sick days and less absenteeism Moral: should not be injured for work Market: bad H&S = bad publicity Financial: accidents cost money - civil liability Personal: avoid pain, loss, ongoing problem
Backs! 2012 campaign 5 million lost working days p.a. due to back pain Back pain is the nation's leading cause of disability with 1.1 million people disabled by it. Wider context – 2008/9: 180 fatalities at work 130,000 other major injuries
Manual handling quiz What proportion of reported workplace accidents result from manual handling? 2008/9 reported injuries Other 13% Falls 8% Struck by 15% Slips trips 26% Handling 38% Chart removed to reduce size
Manual handling quiz Which of the following types of workplace has the highest proportion of accidents resulting from manual handling? a. Health care b. Retail c. Construction d. Agriculture
Sites of >3 day injury caused by handling Back 47% etc Graphic removed to reduce size
Types of injury from manual handling Fractures Damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons Spinal disc injuries Trapped nerves Abrasions and cuts Burns Work related upper limb disorders Hernias Death
Work related upper limb disorders WRULD or repetitive strain injuries (RSI) Tennis elbow Carpal tunnel syndrome Frozen shoulder Caused by: Repetitive activities Carrying out an activity for a long period of time without adequate rest intervals Poor posture / non-neutral joint positions
Cause of injury Traumatic stress Cumulative stress Degenerative change Psychological causes
Vulnerable groups Old Young Obese Untrained Those with existing injury Tired Pregnant women
3 most important things Family Home Relationships Wealth / ability to earn Leisure / sports Health
Practice lift Demonstrate a typical lift Demonstrate a good lift What are the changes?
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Skeleton photo removed to reduce size
Vertebrae & discs Nucleus Cartilage
Discs Photos removed to reduce size
Prolapsed disc
Stresses without a load
The lever principle
Centre of gravity Graphic removed to reduce size
Centre of gravity Graphic removed to reduce size
Centre of gravity Graphics removed to reduce size
Centre of gravity Photos removed to reduce size
Principles of efficient handling Dynamic stable base Neutral position of body Short levers – centre of gravity close Correct secure hand hold Good commands and communication
Muscles Relaxed muscles Body in neutral position Static muscle fatigue Use of major muscle groups Graphic removed to reduce size
Team handling What are the problems? Photos removed to reduce size
Team handling Planning of lift Communication How to grasp When to lift What level to carry Which route Set down points on route? Co-ordination Disparity of individuals: size, speed, strength Awkward areas
Team handling 1 person = 100% 2 people = 66% of individual capacity 3 people = 50% of individual capacity 1 = 60 2 = 80 3 = 90
Team handling Consider other options Avoid Mechanise Use manual handling aids Run through sequence of events verbally Walk the route One person take charge of giving instructions Stick to established teams if possible
Problem loads Inanimate objects Unexpected issues Light Heavy Centre of gravity Intrinsically harmful Sharp edges Acids Unpredictable behaviour Partly fixed load Liquids – centre of gravity Poor sealing of container People Unexpected issues Light, heavy, C of G Weak side / strong side Collapsing Intrinsically harmful Teeth & nails Hygiene Unpredictable behaviour Change of mind Struggling Aggression
F L U E N C Y A mnemonic Feet Load Unlock Even Natural Control Your back
Photos removed to reduce size man handling extinguishers
Pushing and pulling Pushing generally preferable: Operator slip or trip – no load impact Less risk of pulling load onto feet & ankles No twisting to see where you are going Better position for arm joints Can often use both hands Cage less likely to tip if fixed wheels leading But: Visibility may be hindered
Pushing and pulling considerations Wheels: Initial direction & obstructions Size Fixed or rotating Load: Stability / safety Visibility Route Obstructions Slopes Hands Between waist and shoulder height Neutral position Avoiding impacts Legs: “A” frame to overcome inertia Travel Slow speed Avoid starting & stopping
Pushing a wheelchair Pre-use checks Wheels Foot rests Clothing of client Brakes Client understands what is happening Use Dynamic stable base Short levers
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Section 2(1) general duty "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees"
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 s3: duty to others who may be affected; contractors, visitors, neighbours & public s7: employees duties: Take reasonable care of themselves and others Co-operate with employer s8: Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for health and safety
Management of H&S at Work Regs 1999 Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to health and safety of employees & non-employees. Must implement suitable preventative and protective measures.
Management of H&S at Work Regs 1999 Regulation 4: hierarchy of control measures: E – Eliminate R – Reduce I – Isolate C – Control S – Signage P - PPE
Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) Work equipment must be: Suitable Adequately maintained Inspected if necessary at regular intervals by a competent person Adequate information & training must be provided Risks adequately controlled, e.g. guarding
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) Lifting equipment: Any equipment used at work for lifting or lowering loads including attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it Loads can include a person
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) What documentation / marking? Safe working load marking (SWL) Thorough examination Every 6 months for lifting people Otherwise 12 months
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) Lifting operations must be: Properly planned by a competent person Appropriately supervised Carried out in a safe manner
Human Rights Act 1988 Blanket “no lifting” policy unlawful Regulations to not prescribe no risk regime Some manual handling inescapable at work Employees must accept greater risk if lifting people rather than objects All risk assessments based on individual needs and circumstances
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Identify manual handling tasks with significant potential for injury Can task be avoided? Can it be mechanised? If not, conduct risk assessment to reduce risk to lowest level reasonably practicable Identify remedial actions Prioritise these actions Assign responsibility and target date
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Employers responsibility Conduct risk assessments Reduce risk of injury as far as to lowest level reasonably practicable Employees responsibility To use safe systems and procedures coming from the risk assessment
Control measures Eliminate the need for task Automate Manual handling aids People measures Safe handling techniques Team handling Personal protective equipment
Risk assessment A logical and consistent way of assessing a situation and finding ways of making it safer Logical: justify outcomes to regulator Lead to action plan and improvement Conducted by a competent person Regularly reviewed After an accident If workplace or practices change
Risk assessment Hazard Something with the potential to cause harm Risk Likelihood of the harm occurring and its severity
Risk assessment – 5 steps Identify the hazards Identify who may be harmed and how Evaluate the risk & decide on actions Implement and document Review
What factors contribute to manual handling risk? Task Load Working environment Individual capability Or Task Individual Capability Load Environment
Is it necessary / urgent / how often? Can the client help or does it involve taking the full body weight? What is the distance to be travelled? Is there height difference? Will it involve stooping, twisting or turning? Are other handlers necessary? Is the client accessible? What is the safest and most effective way of completing the task? 61 The Task
Size of carer Have they been trained? Previous injuries / lack of fitness / pregnancy Inflexibility of attitude / techniques. Am I being asked to do something unsafe? Unsuitable clothing / shoes Are they used to the environment Time available Are they able to work as part of a team 62 Individual Capability
Physical condition: - Size, weight and shape Pain Mobility of limbs Skin condition Conscious / unconscious Can they balance / weight bear? Attachments e.g. catheters 63 Load Psychological State: - Understanding Anxiety / Fear Uncooperative Unpredictable
Awkward tight spaces Floor surfaces uneven, slippery or wet Temperature / lighting / noise Obstacles e.g. steps Adjustable furniture e.g. profiling bed Privacy 64 Environment
Controversial techniques Drag lift Graphic removed to reduce size
Controversial techniques The Australian lift Orthodox lift Graphic removed to reduce size
Controversial techniques Through-arm lift with two handlers Graphic removed to reduce size
Controversial techniques Arm and leg lug / hammock transfer Bear hug / pivot transfer Graphic removed to reduce size