Progetto “Hansel and Gretel” classi quarte Inss. Angela Eddario Maria Gragnaniello
Here are Hansel and Gretel. They live in a little house with their father and mother. Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister.
Hansel and Gretel live in a little house near a stream, under a big tree.
One day Hansel and Gretel go into the forest. They walk and walk among the trees and lose their way.
Hansel and Gretel fall asleep. When they wake up they are hungry.
They see a house of marzipan and Hansel says: “We can eat it!”
The roof is made of biscuits, the chimney is made of toffees, the walls are made of marzipan.
The windows are made of lollipops and the door is made of chocolate.
They eat a lot of sweets: three toffees, seven biscuits, five lollipops… and two pieces of chocolate.
But the marzipan house is a witch’s house. She is wicked, she wants to eat Hansel and Gretel. She locks Hansel in a cage.
The witch lights a fire to cook Hansel but… Gretel pushes the witch into the fire. Gretel opens the cage, Hansel is free. They go back home.