get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj...N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
1. He started to get sick. 2. More Asians are getting fat fast. 3. It grew cold. 4. Rita’s voice became loud because she was very angry. she was very angry. Examples get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
A. 參考左邊的圖,並利用提示字完成下面 的句子。 的句子。 1. Jane is ___________ (get/ready) to go out. (get/ready) to go out. getting ready get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
2. The old woman is ______________ ______________ (become/weak). She stays (become/weak). She stays in bed all the time. in bed all the time. becoming weak get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
3. In order to have more friends, Alice ________________ Alice ________________ (become/friendly) to her classmates. (become/friendly) to her classmates. becomes friendly get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
4. Turn on the light. It’s _____________ (get/dark). It’s _____________ (get/dark). getting dark get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
5. You will _________ (grow/fat) quickly if you eat too much fast quickly if you eat too much fast food. food. grow fat get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
B. 將提示字及框內的形容詞配對,以完成 下列的段落。 下列的段落。 A long time ago, a boy 1 ________ (get) in the mountains. It was 2 ___________ (grow), but he still couldn’t find the way home. Suddenly, he saw a house by a river and a blind old woman who lived there. The woman said he might stay for the night. The boy stayed because he 3 ________ (get). A long time ago, a boy 1 ________ (get) in the mountains. It was 2 ___________ (grow), but he still couldn’t find the way home. Suddenly, he saw a house by a river and a blind old woman who lived there. The woman said he might stay for the night. The boy stayed because he 3 ________ (get). got lost growing dark got tired angry dark tired clear fat lost get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj
Next morning when he got up, he found he was in a cage. It 4 ____________ (become) that the old woman was not a nice person. The woman came to the cage and told the boy she would eat him after he 5 _________ (grow). The boy cried loud and 6 _________ (get) with himself. “Why should I trust a stranger so easily?” he thought. A few days later, the boy luckily found a way to get out of the cage and found the way home. became clear grew fat got angry get/grow/become + Adj get/grow/become + Adj回到目錄
Examples 1. There are many reasons why fast food is making Asians fat. food is making Asians fat. 2. Sunday will be the day when the basketball game is held. basketball game is held. 3. This is the place where I lived before. before....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
A. 根據題意,將適當的關係副詞填入空格內。 1. Spurlock has had three meals a day at McDonald’s for a month. That is the McDonald’s for a month. That is the reason _____ he has put on 12 kilograms. reason _____ he has put on 12 kilograms. 2. Some people don’t want to spend too much money on meals, so they go to much money on meals, so they go to restaurants _______ food is cheaper. restaurants _______ food is cheaper. why where...N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
3. Asians are busy at work or at school; this is the reason _____ they often have this is the reason _____ they often have few chances to eat at home. few chances to eat at home. 4. Young people think that KTV clubs are good places _______ they can have fun good places _______ they can have fun with their friends. with their friends. 5. I met Linda at a party and she looked very beautiful. I’ll never forget the day very beautiful. I’ll never forget the day ______ I first met her. ______ I first met her. why where when...N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
B. 根據上面的句型及提示字,合併下列句子。 1. I want to know the time. (...the time when...) when...) The train will arrive in Taipei at the The train will arrive in Taipei at the time. time. __________________________________ __________________________________ ________________ ________________ I want to know the time when the train will arrive in Taipei....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
2. We will never forget the party. (...the party where...) (...the party where...) We had a good time at the party. We had a good time at the party. ______________________________ ______________________________ _________________ _________________ We will never forget the party where we had a great time....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
3. I don’t know the reason. (...the reason why...) reason why...) They don’t talk to each other They don’t talk to each other anymore. anymore. _______________________________ _______________________________ I don’t know the reason why they don’t talk to each other anymore....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
4. Willy always remembers the day. (...the day when...) (...the day when...) His girlfriend left him on the day. His girlfriend left him on the day. _______________________________ _______________________________ __________________ __________________ Willy always remembers the day when his girlfriend left him....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....
5. The picture showed us the museum. (...the museum where...) museum. (...the museum where...) A celebration party will be held in A celebration party will be held in the museum next month. the museum next month. _________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ ____________ The picture showed us the museum where a celebration party will be held next month....N + why/when/where + S + V N + why/when/where + S + V....結束放映