Homework for tonight! 9e – choose the correct form of the word and translate the sentence into Latin Form the imperative singular and plural for the following verbs Lacrimo, lacrimare – cry exeo, exire – go out sedeo, sedere – sit voco, vocare – call sto, stare – stand nolo, nolle – do not want Capio, capere – seize, take canto, cantare - sing rideo, ridere – laugh iacio, iacere – throw do, dare – give
Last Night’s Homework --9c – write out the Latin, choose the correct word, translate into English. --Form the imperative singular and plural for the following verbs Porto, portare – carry pono, ponere – put tango, tangere – touch teneo, tenere – hold tempto, temptare – try iubeo, iubere - order Aperio, aperire – open claudo, claudere – close demonstro, demonstrare – show specto, spectare – watch curro, currere – run
claudo, claudere – close demonstro, demonstrare – show Porto, portare – carry Porta, portate pono, ponere – put Pone, ponite tango, tangere – touch Tange, tangite teneo, tenere – hold Tene, tenete tempto, temptare – try Tempta, temptate iubeo, iubere – order Iube, iubete Aperio, aperire – open Aperi, aperite claudo, claudere – close Claude, claudite demonstro, demonstrare – show Demonstra, demonstrate specto, spectare – watch Specta, spectate curro, currere – run Curre, currite
9c – write out the Latin, choose the correct word, translate into English Marcus ad arborem sedet Marcus sits at the tree Puellae e silva ad villam ambulant The girls walk out of the forest toward the house. Multi servi in agris laborant. Many slaves are working in the fields. Cornelia amicam e villa in agros ducit. Cornelia leads the friend out of the house into the fields. Servus sub ramis dormit. The slave sleeps under the branches.
9c – write out the Latin, choose the correct word, translate into English Pueri per agros currunt. The boys run through the fields. Cornelius ad urbem redire parat. Cornelius prepares to return to the city. Flavia prope arborem sedet. Flavia sits near the tree. Sextus ex horto celeriter exit. Sextus goes out/exits out of the garden quickly. Servus per agros festinat. The slave hurries through the fields.