West Side Story Timeline of Events
DAY ONE-- 3:00 PM The Jets are in the playground They sing “The Jet’s Song”
Day One -- 4:00 PM 4:00 PM- Riff Goes to talk to Tony at Doc’s Store. After Riff leaves, Tony sings “Something’s Coming”
Day One – 8:00 PM The Dance Get Together Dance The Jets vs. The Sharks in a Dance – Off Tony and Maria Meet Riff challenges Bernardo to a Rumble
Day One – 10:30 Chino is ordered to take Maria home. Tony looks for Maria in the neighborhood Tony sings “Maria”
Day One – 11:00 Bernardo and Anita argue about life in America. Anita, Bernardo and the rest of the Sharks sing “America”
Day One – 11:30 Tony comes to meet Maria on her fire escape Together they sing “Tonight”
Day One – 11:30 The Jets are hanging outside of Doc’s Store waiting for War Council. Riff and the Jets sing “Gee Officer Krupke”
Day One – 12:00 am War Council at Doc’s Store Next day After dark Under the highway Fair fight No weapons Ice vs. Bernardo
DAY 2 – 4:00 pm Maria is talking to the Shark girls at Madame Lucia’s Bridal Shop Maria and the girls sing “I Feel Pretty”
Day 2 – 6:00 pm Tony comes to see Maria at the bridal shop. Tony and Maria act out their wedding They sing “One Hand, One Heart”
Day 2 – 9:45 pm The entire cast sings “Tonight Reprise”
Day 2 – 10:00 pm The Rumble under the highway
Day 2 – 11:00 pm Tony comes to Maria’s apartment They sing “Somewhere”
Day 2 – 11:00pm The Jets are hiding out after the rumble. They sing “Cool”
Day 2 – 11:30 Anita comes to Maria’s room and sees Tony leaving. Together they sing “A Boy Like That” and “I Have a Love”
Day 2 – 12:00 am Everyone meets at the playground. Chino shoots Tony Maria lectures about hate Jets and Sharks carry Tony’s body away Chino is arrested