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How will I know what is happening? What resources are available? What role should I play in my child’s science fair project?
Tonight’s News… Project Timeline Parts of a STEM Fair Project Science Fair Sites STEM Fair Project Display Model
Project Timeline and Due Dates Child’s initials Adult’s initials Step 1- Due December 18, 2013 Choose a topic or problem to investigate. Complete the summary and Approval Form and return to your teacher by the due date he or she has given you. Begin research to develop your understanding of your topic. Step 2- Due January 3, 2014 Do a research report on the subject you have chosen. This should be written neatly or typed and placed in a folder. It should include a list of books and authors you have read to find the information. The research report must be done before you do your experiment. This will help you form your hypothesis. Steps 3-7 Due January 10, 2014 These should be included in a logbook! Step 3- PURPOSE: What do you want to find out? This should be in the form of a question. The answer to the question will be found by doing the experiment. Step 4- HYPOTHESIS: What do you think will happen in your experiment? This is a prediction of the outcome based on what you learned in the research report. Step 5- MATERIALS: What do you need to complete the experiment? This should be in the form of a list. Step 6- PROCEDURE: What will you do, step-by-step, to complete the experiment? As you develop your list of steps to take, write them down first on a separate piece of paper. Number them in the order you will complete them. Then, write or type then in final form. Step 7: If you are doing an experimental project, you will need to identify the independent variables in your experiment. (These are the things that you can change that will affect the results of your experiment.) You may choose only one independent variable. Identify the dependent variable in your experiment. (This is the thing that changes because of the independent variable you changed.) Identify the variables that need to stay the same throughout all of your trials. These are the controlled variables.
Step 8– January 24, 2014 Conduct the experiment. Remember to do three or more trials. Record your results in the form of a chart. Keep good records. It is a good idea to record your progress using photographs. Step 9- Due January 24, 2014 RESULTS: What happened? Display your data in the form of a chart or graph. Write an explanation of your chart or graph using the data. Step 10- Due January 24, 2014 CONCLUSION: What did you learn? The conclusion should be a paragraph that explains the results. The paragraph should begin by stating whether or not your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. The conclusion must be supported by details and/or data from the investigation. The conclusion paragraph should conclude with an idea for further investigation (i.e. If you could do another experiment to learn more about this subject, what would you like to do?) Step 11- Due January 27, 2014 Construct your backboard. Everything you have done in steps 2-10 will appear on the backboard. The backboard should be neat and colorful, with a catchy title. Remember, you may not bring anything to the STEM Fair except the backboard, your logbook, and your report. Complete Project is due to school on Monday, February 3, 2014 Be sure your name is clearly marked on the back of the backboard, and the front of your logbook and report. Project Timeline and Due DatesAdult’s initials Teacher’ initials
A good question: leads to an investigation not a report, a demonstration or model. should be one from which you can collect data (#s) rather than opinions. is one which the materials needed to experiment with are easy to find.
How are craters formed? X – this is a research question only, there is no manipulation of variables
How do plants drink water? X – this is a research question only, there is no manipulation of variables
How can I make a cut flower live longer? X – this is better, but there is still no clear manipulation of variables
How will adding sugar to the water of a cut flower affect how long the flower will live? √ – This is it! The variable is the sugar. A control can be created with water that has no sugar added.
Where to Go to Find Information Riderwood web site – student activities Recommended sites BCPS Databases - Do NOT simply search the Internet with a question!
Bill Nye, the Science Guy This site includes many investigations and background information. Most of the investigations can be completed with everyday kitchen materials. One of the investigations may lead you to a related question that you can test in your science fair project.
Edible/Inedible Experiments Archive These fun investigations may spark an idea for your own science fair project. If you find one that interests you, think about what variable you could change to impact the outcome. Some of these investigations may be eaten before, during or after the experiment, and some should not be eaten at all. Each file lists an expected age-level to carry out the experiment, as well as all safety measures that should be undertaken. Many of the experiments will require nothing more than a quick rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. Have fun, and remember, safety first.
How Stuff Works A great site for finding a topic that interest you and beginning your research.
the Public Internet Library e/mas3100/ This site includes LOTS of links to other sites that answer science questions and give ideas for projects. Go to the Science Fair link Choosing a Topic Science Buddies Topic Selection Wizard
NetTrekker See login directions below: HOME ACCESS Go to and use login protocols below: America the Beautiful User Name: bcps Password: bcps BrainPop User Name: bcps Password: brainpop Brainpop Jr User Name: bcpsjr Password: brainpop Gale Virtual Reference Library 82 e-Books Science, Math, and Professional ID Code: bcps Password: gale Literature Resource Center | Opposing Viewpoints | Opposing Viewpoints Critical | User Name: bcps thinking | Student Resource Center Gold | Science Resource Center Password: gale Professional Education Journals User Name: bcps Password: bigchalk SIRS Citizenship | SIRS Decades | SIRS Discoverer | SIRS Discoverer WebFind | User Name: bcps SIRS Government Reporter | SIRS Knowledge Source | SIRS Renaissance | Password: sirs SIRS Researcher | SIRS SKS WebSelect Visual Thesaurus | VocabGrabber | Spelling Bee For grades k-5 User Name: Password: visual For grades 6-12 User Name: Password: World Book User Name: bcps1 Password: worldbook
Research: uses at least 3 sources. includes appropriate citations. will result in written research report. leads to an informed hypothesis.
Hypothesis: based upon research If I change __________________, then the __________ will _______ because ____________. Key words – increase, decrease, remain constant, greatest, least, etc.
Materials: easy to locate, inexpensive, kid- friendly metric measuring tools specific, controlled
Procedure: design data collection first be specific and clear able to be completed in a 2 week span
Procedure: –Manipulating Variable (independent variable) – what I change –Responding Variable (dependent variable) – the data, what will be measured –Constant Variable (controlled variables) – all other factors that are kept the same
Results: include separate data table and bar graph report mean simple
Conclusion Refers back to the hypothesis Refers to specific data Includes questions that could extend investigation
Thank You for Coming Out Tonight! Your support is very much appreciated! Should you have any further questions, please feel free to either one of us at: 5 th grade Or 4th grade