Editing Marks 101: Fix it right, the first time!
What are editing marks? What is editing? Editing is a step in the writing process where you check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Editing marks are the commonly accepted symbols used for correcting writing. They are important because they help the writer to quickly see issues in their own writing that need to be fixed.
Delete In order to show that you should delete, or take something out, use the following symbol: I was was having a good time.
Insert In order to show that you should insert, or add something, use the following symbol: Dont forget to proofread work! your )
Capitalize In order to show that you should capitalize a letter, use the following symbol: The dust bowl happened during the 1930’s.
Lower Case In order to show that you should make a word that was capitalized into a lower case letter, use the following symbol: We should go to the Movies.
Spelling Errors Misspellings or words that should be spelled out will have the following indicator nearby: Dan and Joe flew 2 Orlando on a big plain. plane to
Transpose Letters or Words In order to show that you should switch a letter or word (transpose), use the following symbol: I am going thier to party tonight. their
New Paragraph In order to show that you should create a new paragraph, use the following symbol: “What are you doing tonight?” she asked. “I’m going out to eat tonight,” I said.
Insert a Period In order to show that you a period is needed, use the following symbol: I am going to have a great year..