Making suggestions After a long night out with friends, you realize you’re too tired to walk back home. How do you suggest taking a taxi? Why don’t we take a taxi? Let’s take a taxi. Shall we take a taxi? What about taking a taxi?
And how do you answer? Yes, that’s fine. OK No, I don´t think that’s a good idea.
Be careful: Why don´t we + infinitive Let’s + infinitive Shall we + infinitive What/How about + -ing
How to make an invitation. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? (informal) Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Accepting and refusing Sure. Sounds great. Thanks. I’d love to. Thanks. That would be great. I’d really love to but …(I have an appointment that day). Thanks for asking but I’m afraid I’m busy.
Work in pairs. Discuss and agree on the following situations You want to buy a birthday present for a friend You have a long weekend and want to go somewhere You want to see a film