Getting SMART with ILPS
S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable R – Realistic T - Time – framed E – Exciting R – Rewarding Set yourself a SMART target for this session. Check with the person next to you – is it SMART(ER)?
Find the formula that works – more of what does work and less of what doesn’t.
ILPs Time - consuming Filling in forms Meaningless targets No specific guidance on how to improve Low expectations Fail to motivate learners
Why bother? As a group, write down 5 reasons why target setting with learners is worthwhile. Try prioritising your reasons and justify your choices
Rationale for using target setting Motivator Focuses learners through concrete and meaningful steps Useful record Learners face reality and acknowledge problem areas Facilitates reflection Develops learning skills Celebrates success Would you play football without goals at either end?
ILPs from a student perspective Got to talk – to you, on my own!!! Don’t know what you want me to say I’m on the course aren’t I? Rather be with my mates More paperwork You look as bored as me
“Tutors work harder on ILPs than the students themselves”
Which of the following are SMART? I want to be a nurse I am going out on Saturday I will hand my assignment in by 9am on Tuesday I will make chips for my tea at 6 o’clock I will have my hair cut soon I will write 1000 words of my assignment tonight after the pub I will work in the LRC every Wednesday morning I will write my essay plan before I go out at 8pm tonight I want to be a pop star By the time I am twenty I will own my own car
Use the Tutorial Preparation Sheet and Scoring Goals. How could you use them to prepare your students before the 1-1 tutorial session?
What do I do with my target?
Targets, targets, targets To achieve B, B, C at A level To hand in the next two assignments on time To arrive on time for the next lesson To get a Merit for Unit 3 To improve my referencing To get over 60% in the test To be able to sent an to my grandson
Joint problem solving: a structure S – Identify and agree the symptoms C – Identify and agree the causes O – Identify and agree the options for moving forward P – Discuss the preferred options E – Execute: Agree and record course of action Agree consequences of not following through
Last activity – honest! Think of a student you have worked with who has failed to meet a set target. With a partner, work through the SCOPE model to establish a way forward for this student