Welcome:Welcome: o Ms. Stephens o Ms Johnson-Ford o Ms. Barrie Discussion of the Grade 9 programDiscussion of the Grade 9 program School ToursSchool Tours AGENDA
Course Calendar Most of the information presented tonight can be found in the Grade 9 Course Calendar or on the school website. If you have lost your copy, you can access the school website and print a new copy.
Not in a Feeder School? If you are not currently in an Innisdale Feeder School, please come by the Guidance office tonight to leave your contact information (even if you have already given it to us) and pick up a Grade 9 Course Calendar.
SCHOOL ORGANIZATION Semester One September – January Student takes 4 Courses Final Evaluations are at the End of January Semester Two February - June Student takes 4 Courses Final Evaluations are at the End of June
Buses Arrive at 7:45 a.m. Period 1: 8:00 - 9:20 Travel Time Period 2: 9: :40 Travel Time Period 3: 10: :00 Period 4:12:00 - 1:15 Travel Time Period 5: 1:20 - 2:35 Current Daily Schedule
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Requirements 1. Earn 30 CREDITS 18 compulsory 12 optional credits 2.Pass the Ontario Literacy Test (OSSLT) 3.Complete 40 hours of Community Service Can be started in the summer prior to grade 9
ACADEMIC Courses Emphasize THEORY and ABSTRACT problems. Lead to UNIVERSITY or COLLEGE Destination courses in gr. 11. D Designated with the letter “D”. ENG1D1
APPLIEDCourses APPLIED Courses Focus on PRACTICAL applications and CONCRETE examples. Lead to COLLEGE or WORKPLACE destination courses in gr. 11. P Designated with the letter “P”. ENG1P1
LOCALLY DEVELOPED Courses Focus on PRACTICAL applications and REINFORCE grade 6, 7 & 8 concepts to provide a strong foundation Lead to WORKPLACE preparation courses (or grade 9 applied courses) Offered in English, Mathematics & Science L Designated with the letter “L”. ENG1LL
OPEN Courses Open courses are designed to prepare students for further study in certain subjects and to ENRICH their education. O They are designated with the letter “O”. BTT1O1
Course Codes ENGP First 3 Letters Relate to the subject (English) The 4 th Character represents the Grade. 1=Grade 9. 2=Grade 10, etc. 1 The 5 th Character depicts the LEVEL of course. (Academic, Applied, etc.) The 6 th Character is Sometimes Used to Differentiate Between Courses
SIXTH CHARACTER : PPL1O : ale Physical Education : PPL1O : emale Physical Education. F F M M
THE ARTS InstrumentalMusic Vocal Music DanceDrama Visual Arts Visual Arts - Computer THE ARTS
MODERNSBUSINESS Computer Applications Introduction to Business FAMILY STUDIES Individual and Family Living Food and Nutrition FAMILY STUDIES BUSINESS
Communication Manufacturing - Metal Construction Transportation Design EXPERIENCING TECHNOLOGY
There are courses available to students who have been deemed exceptional through the IPRC process Learning Strategies (GLE1O) GGGGGifted Congregated (Clustered) Program: MPM1DG, ENG1DG, CGC1DG, SNC1DG For more information, see Ms. Barrie or Ms. McCutcheon. SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT
February 20th Elementary Reports Go Home Please review the elementary report card and choose the desired courses for grade 9 at Innisdale Secondary School. Return to your elementary teacher on Monday, February 24th
Option Sheet for COMPULSORY COURSE SELECTIONS English Locally Developed EnglishApplied EnglishAcademic English Math Locally Developed MathApplied MathAcademic Math Science Locally Developed ScienceApplied ScienceAcademic Science Geography Modified Applied GeographyApplied GeographyAcademic Geography French Modified French, OpenApplied FrenchAcademic French ELECTIVE COURSE SECTIONS ChoiceSubject* Grade Course CodeCourse Title SAMPLEPhys-Ed9PPL1OM OR PPL1OF Healthy Active Living Education, Open 1Phys-Ed 2 Elective 3 Elective Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Circle core levels Fill in elective and alternate courses
February 24 th -28th Course Selections Guidance Counselors will visit the feeder - elementary schools to help them input their course selections into the computer system..
Mid-April, 2014 Verifications sheets will be sent home. If parents wish to change a level of a CORE course or change elective course, this is the time to do it!
3rd week of June Timetables delivered to schools. Any concerns can be directed to the Innisdale Guidance Office. Timetables delivered to schools. Any concerns can be directed to the Innisdale Guidance Office.
END OF SUMMER: Welcome to Incoming Grade 9’s Meet your LINK crew leaders and fellow grade 9 students! Tour the School and Find Your Classrooms Pay Registration Fees and Purchase Yearbook Purchase Innisdale Clothing Receive Your Timetable FUTURE INVADER TOUR: F.I.T. FUTURE INVADOR TOUR: F.I.T
QUESTIONS? Talk to Your Grade 8 Teacher Call Innisdale and Speak to a Guidance Counsellor ( , x41609) Speak with the Resource Department or a Student Success Teacher Check Out these Websites:
Grade 8’s On your way out the door, be sure to pick up your Innisdale t-shirt. The sizes are labelled by each table.