Practice for Self Defense TONIGHT! The #1 Secret to Accuracy!
Practice for Self Defense Objectives Tonight: Improve your accuracy – tonight! Show you how to save money practicing Show you what to practice
Goals in Defensive Training Safety Don’t endanger persons or property during training Accuracy Shot placement is way more important that what weapon you are shooting Speed You need to stop the assailant before he gets to you
Accuracy – Tonight! It probably takes a couple of thousand rounds to get your groups from four inches to two inches at 25 yards It takes zero to get your groups from 24 inches to six inches at 25 yards!
The One Secret to Accuracy Point your gun at the target!
The Secret If you are not cutting one ragged hole in the target at 10 yards then you are moving the gun away from the aim point before the bullet leaves the barrel.
The Key to Accuracy Hold the Gun Steady Sight Picture The Grip Trigger Control
Sight Picture Choose sites that you can easily see if they are aimed right Errors: Front sight is too wide or rear sight is too narrow Not enough contrast How quickly can you find the front sight? How steady you can hold the sight picture? Compare sight picture to laser to see the wobble
Sight Picture Cure the Flinch What causes it? Anticipating the recoil Common sight error will product about 1 degree of error Flinch will induce up to 3 degrees or more How to cure it Practice trigger control and follow through to a pause
Grip Start two handed Grip as high on the weapon as possible Torque is force times distance – reduce the distance More meat the better As much contact as possible with the weapon, each hand and each weapon will be slightly different Helps control the aim and hastens the recovery for the second shot It you have a lot of wobble, try dynamic tension (push and pull) Weak hand should be tighter than strong hand (helps trigger control)
Grip Alternate Methods of 2 handed grip Isosceles (more tactically flexible) Weaver Stance (easier to control high powered weapons) Strong hand Ensure the grip gives you alignment between forearm and barrel Weak hand Same, but trigger control will be harder
Trigger Control Stare at front site Don’t pull, touch – press Learn “stages” of the trigger During live fire, every “bang” is a surprise During dry practice, touch, press, hold the trigger and the sight picture for the follow through – pause (flinch control)
Trigger Control The “vector” should be straight back Pad of the finger square on the trigger is best Second joint is okay, particularly for high force triggers Practice your trigger press until there is no movement in the front sight If, after practice, you cannot get a good straight pull, perhaps the gun does not fit you Start very slow, learn the trigger, then speed up
How Do We Train? Develop a Plan Try it out Study the outcome and replan
How To Train Words to Live By: “Train like you fight!” - Pete Pettigrew, USN Call Sign “Viper”
Methods of Training Live fire at a commercial range Live fire in a representative environment (IDPA or similar) or our range Dry Practice Visualization
How to Train Practice in Context Develop the habits you want to become automatic – every time Draw to a compressed ready for unknowns Assume you are surprised in a direct threat Move off of target area Drive the gun to your sight picture Exercise safety off/out, on/back Assess other threats Practice being Smooth (works in dog fighting and car racing, too!) Speed comes with practice Crawl, walk, run First do it right, then do it fast Practice being Consistent
Rules for Dry Practice Remove all ammo from the area Unload the weapons away from the area – recite the mantra “the weapons are unloaded and I am beginning dry practice” Set up a target, ensure no one can enter your line of fire unexpectedly Ensure what is behind your target can withstand a bullet Practice Take down the target – recite the mantra “dry practice is over and the weapons will be loaded”
Why the Silly Mantra? What is the object that is most often hit in a negligent discharge? Your Television
Proofing Your Technique without spending Big $$ Dry Practice will perfect draw, defensive procedures, sight picture, trigger pull But how do I know if I will actually hit the target? (costs 2- 3 boxes of ammo)
How Do We Assess Competency First you need to understand the levels of competency You can then assess your level of competency Here are the definitions:
Levels of Competency Unconsciously Incompetent Consciously Incompetent Consciously Competent Unconsciously Competent
Questions? Too long? Too much depth? Not enough detail? What do you want to hear about next?
Some Options Legal aspects of a weapon involved confrontation Levels of awareness – the color codes of situational awareness Sources for buying on line or catalogs Training opportunities What to do if you cannot bring a weapon to your defense
4 Universal Safety Rules Treat every weapon as if it were loaded Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot Be sure of your target and what is inline with your target