Welcome! Welcome back, everyone! Officer introductions – President: Courtney Cannon – Vice President: Kelsey Gustaveson – Advisor: Jessica Irven – Special Projects: Christina Miller, Kelly Kuskvere, Lauren Mickey – Fundraising: Aaron Melton, Sherilynn Phen – Secretary: Kyle Smith – Publicity: Emily Senger – Treasurer: Jordan Palmer
Kyle Smith Emily Senger Sherilynn Phen
Mission Statement Carolina P.A.L.S. is a nonprofit, service organization composed of UNC students and young professionals whose mission is to provide trusting, supportive relationships with pediatric patients and their families while providing educational opportunities for its members.
CPALS Listserv If you didn’t receive 2 s about this meeting, you’re not on the listserv! It’s probably because UNC Hospital Volunteers has your address wrong. To add yourself manually, send the message “subscribe cpals_general” from the address you want added to As an alternative, me (but it may take longer for me to process your
Facebook We have a Facebook group We will advertise events and meetings through it It’s a great way to connect with other members If you don’t have an account, don’t sweat it (all our information is available from other places too) The name of the group is just “CPALS”CPALS
StudentLife StudentLife is the “official” site for UNC organizations We won’t be using it heavily, but please add yourself as a member of CPALS there so we can brag about how many of you there are! The group name to search for on studentlife.unc.edu is “Carolina Pediatric Attention Love And Support (CPALS)”Carolina Pediatric Attention Love And Support (CPALS)
Official website In the coming months we’ll be working on an official website independent of Facebook through web.unc.edu It’ll be a centralized hub to view all upcoming events, current sign-up sheets, and even photos Bear with us until it gets done and look forward to it!
Publicity Check out the new tri-fold! Please send any pictures with your pal to Emily! We will check for photo waiver Staff breakfast once a month to promote CPALS to the interdisciplinary treatment teams in the clinic and on 5 Children’s Stay tuned…we may need your help!
Pedal for Peds September 15 th 8am - 1pm McDougal Middle School – Carrboro 50 and 28 mile bike ride – all proceeds go directly to our Peds heme/onc clinic As of 8/23, already raised $4000! CPALS will contribute most of man- power/volunteering at event
At the event…. People stationed at McDougal Middle School to assist with sign-in, send off, kiddie area, etc. 3-4 people per pit stop to hand out food, drinks and first-aid supplies ( ~ 5 pit stops) 2-3 people per turn off to direct riders in right direction of course ( ~ 10 turn offs)
How to sign up! Google form Check , Student Life, Facebook tonight You have until Monday at 5 pm to complete Can’t attend event? Please still check form – other opportunities available No car?! Don’t worry! We will be carpooling Link to join our CPALS Pedal for Peds team (to bike or donate money) in
Upcoming Special Projects Events Pedal for Peds: Saturday, Sept 15 th 8am-1pm Teen Retreat: 9/29-9/30 Get Heeled 5k: 10/13 Stay tuned! LCK –
Fundraising General Info Possible sub-committee Football games, basketball games, benefit nights Expected to work one football game this semester Sign up via Google doc or form which will be sent out via , Facebook and Student Life
Football Games 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/27, 11/10 Bag Checking OR Ticket Taking $30 / person / day At least 17 people / game (more allowed) Commuters (parking passes) Read over: – Group Volunteer Handbook – Homeland Security Video – Dress Code Requirement
Goals 100% accountability – Be responsible (do not be absent) – Act Professionally Semester Goal: $2000 Year Goal: $3200
Requirements 1 fundraising 1 special project 1 your choice! This is per SEMESTER! Accountability will be enforced
Accountability If you can’t make it to an event you’ve signed up for… – Let an officer know 48 hours in advance – After the 48 hour deadline, find your own sub! If you fail to do this… – Strike one: it’s okay, it happens – Strike two: either “make up” 2 extra event this semester OR sit the rest of the semester out – INCLUDING giving up your clinic shift
Reasons to Get a 1:1 Pal For the Families and Kids Personal Growth To Build Relationships Its lots of fun!
How it Works For Returning Members Submit your 1:1 application ASAP Attend orientation on ______ Receive your pal assignment and go with an officer to meet your pal Visit your pal when they are inpatient or have a clinic appointment For New Members Work for three weeks in the clinic to receive your “all- clear” pass Submit your 1:1 application Attend an orientation session Get a pal!
Expectations Be there for your pal! – Visit at least every other day if your pal is inpatient – Make it to your pals clinic shifts – Be in contact with pal and their family – Let someone know if you can’t make it to your pal’s appointment – Submit form if you can’t attend – Facebook, s, Student Life
New for 1:1s Coffee Hour Once a Month Various Social Events Lets start talking about how to handle those difficult situations and share the really funny stories!
Jess/Advisor’s Role Psychosocial Support Programming Volunteer Liason and CPALS Advisor – Mentoring, support, etc. Hospital “rules” – Wear your uniform, always!!!!!! – Clock in/out – Be flexible and ready to jump in as needed Thank you!!!!
Info for New CPALS Opening up new clinic shifts – please see Jess at the break out Rock band sign ups IV pole decorating sign ups
What’s next?! Next meeting on 9/13 at 5 pm in Sanofi Aventis Conference Room (this one!) Check for sign ups, forms and applications Returning CPALS, stick around to chat about 1:1s New CPALS, meet in the Cancer Hospital lobby for clinic tour and orientation!