Used with the verb TO BE, the Simple Tense verbs (Present and Past) and Compound Verbs.
The negative form is used to change a affirmative sentence into a negative one. There are 3 ways in which we can use the negative form in sentences: With the verb TO BE With Simple Tense verbs With compound verbs
Negative sentences with the verb TO BE First you have to identify the verb in the sentence In this case we have the verb to be in the Simple Present Tense. Therefore, we simply put the suffixe NOT AFTER the verb TO BE. Jerry isalways on time for school. NOT This is the negative form of the sentences using the verb TO BE
The negative form with the simple tense verbs (present) Accordingly, how do we form the negative form of the sentences using the simple tense verbs? First we have to identify the verb in the sentence: Richardstudies every night. Second, we use the auxiliaries DO or DOES + the negative form NOT. We put them BETWEEN the subject and an verb DOES NOTSTUDY Finally, the verb becomes infinitive form. And that is the negative form
The negative form with the Simple tense of the verbs (Past) When we use the negative form with the simple past verbs, we use the auxiliary DID + the suffixe NOT. We put them BETWEEN the subject and the verb. Davidplayed soccer last night. DID NOTPLAY Just like in the Simple Present tense verbs, the main verb (played) becomes infinitive form (play) without « To » And that is the negative form
The negative form with compound verbs (Simple future tense) With compound verbs, we already have an auxiliary and a main verb. In the case of a Simple Future Tense, the auxiliary is WILL and the main verb is already in the infinitive form (STUDY). The students willstudy tonight In having the auxiliary and the main verb in the infinitive form, we simply have to put the negative form NOT BETWEEN the auxiliary and the main verb NOT And that is the negative form
Magic formulas to be used with the negative form of the verbs With the verb TO BE: Subject + to Be + Not + rest of the sentence. John is NOT home. With Simple tense Verbs (Present and Past): Subject + Do/Does/Did + NOT + Verb + rest of the sentence. David does_______not start the car.
With the compound verbs: Subject + Aux + NOT + verb + rest of the sentence. John will NOT play football tonight. Click here for exercises