The Arc of Livingston-Wyoming June 19, 2013 Family Forum
Why Are We Here Tonight? To provide families and individuals with information from OPWDD about the rapid changes that are occurring with services for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities To hear from you! We would like to hear what you would like for services in the future
How Did We Get Here? Late 1990s NYS began to “Medicaid” services The HCBS Waiver includes Residential, Prevoc, Day Hab, Supported Employment, Transportation and some other services Very predictable forms of service This led to a period of growth with new homes and expanded day services
Why The Change?
New Governor Andrew Cuomo inherits a massive deficit Our agency gets cut $800,000 while the state closes its deficit Why The Change?
What Is Managed Care? NYS has submitted an application to CMS for a 1915 b. c. waiver and that is Managed Care Under managed care, the state gets out of dealing with hundreds of providers and shifts that to a Managed Care Organization or as they call it a DISCO
OPWDD Transformational Agenda Goals: 1. More person-centered services 2. Comprehensive care coordination to meet all of an individual’s needs 3. Establishing transparent and sustainable funding 4. More meaningful ways to measure quality of care 5. Serving people in the most integrated setting possible
Transformation Targets 1.Employment: Target individuals leaving high school, workshops and day habilitation to identify and obtain appropriate individualized employment goals Educate school districts about services including supported employment and Pathways to Employment Redesign Pathways to Employment to shorten timeframes for transition into supported employment
OPWDD Transformation Agreement Employment Goals and Milestones Goal: Increase the number of competitively employed individuals Milestones:Target Dates: End new admissions to workshopsJuly 1, 2013 Retool Pathway to Employment waiver servicesOctober 1, 2013 Develop a plan for closing sheltered workshops October 1, 2013 (draft plan) January 1, 2014 (final plan) Increase the number of people in supported employment and competitively employed by a total of 700 individuals April 1, 2014
Regional Employment Targets Finger Lakes Transformation Agreement Targets EmploymentRegional TargetStatewide TargetTarget Dates: Increase in number of people employed April 1, 2018
2. Self-Direction This service has been around for a few years and is called Consolidated Supports and Services (CSS) Individualized plan of service Individualized budget Individual purchases services that they need and hires staff that they want Transformation Targets
OPWDD Transformation Agreement Self-Direction Goals and Milestones Goal: Increase the number of individuals who choose to self-direct to 1245 Milestones:Target Dates: Begin statewide education to inform individuals of their options for self-directing their supports and services, reaching at least 1500 individuals each quarter April 1, 2013 Increase the number of people self-directing their services by 1245 March 31, 2014
Transformation Targets 3. Deinstitutionalization and Community Housing Just under 1000 people are still served in institutional settings Monroe Developmental Center closing by January 1, 2014 Increase availability of supportive housing options including non-traditional housing models
Transformation Targets 4. Rate Reform Fairness and equity Portability Efficiency and economy Simplicity and practicality Network stability Structural reform
Hilltop Work Center Data Total Employment in Work Center Total Earnings in Work Center 2012 $ 853,856 Total Sales in Work Center 2012 $ 1,825,000 Supported Employment Enrollment
New System Elements
How Will It Work? Eligibility Determination Assessment of Strengths, Needs & Preferences Support Needs Identified Informed Decision Making and Individualized Plan Development Service Authorization and Implementation
What Services Will Hilltop Offer? Uptown Life Skills Center Open Roads Seniors Center Pathways to Employment Supported Employment Community Connections: LIVES, Seniors, Job Readiness Hilltop Assembly and Packaging Hilltop Cleaning Service Hilltop Print Shop Finders Keepers Hilltop Bottle & Can Return Arc Life Skills Training Centers ( Day Habilitation) Hilltop Career Training Center (Vocational Rehabilitation) Hilltop Business Services
What Is Important To You And Your Family?
What Will The Arc And Hilltop Do? Work with each individual and their loved ones to determine what they need for services. We are committed to meeting the needs of each person we serve with the resources we have available Provide regular communication as information is available Website Information sent home Via
What Can You Do? Provide us with your address or current mailing address Attend State Forums on Workshop Closure Let State officials know what you want for yourself and your loved ones Let State officials know that we need more time to transition into new services Let State officials know that you want options for services including earning a paycheck
Resources & Contacts OPWDD Website: Council on Quality Leadership: The Arc:
State Representatives. Assemblyman Bill Nojay: 3011 Rochester Road Suite #3 Lakeville, NY Assemblyman David DiPietro: Senator Patrick Gallivan: Senator Catharine Young: 2371 North Main Street Warsaw, NY Westgate Plaza 700 W. State Street Olean, NY Transit Road Suite 116 Elma, NY 14059
Arc Contacts The Arc of Livingston Chris Peterson, Executive Director x 106 Martin Miskell, Associate Executive Director/CFO x 110 Kellie Kennedy, Director of Day Services x 203 Arc Contacts
Thank You For Coming!