Conditional Sentences
IF CLAUSE,RESULT CLAUSEMEANING TYPE 1SIMPLE PRESENT ( s + v1 ) ( s + to be +n/adj ), FUTURE ( s + modals + v1) Real in the present or future TYPE 2SIMPLE PAST ( s + v2 ) ( s + to be + n/adj ), PAST FUTURE ( s + past modals + v1) Unreal in the present or future TYPE 3PAST PERFECT ( s + had + v3 ), PAST FUTURE PERF ( s + p. modals + have + v3) Unreal in the past
Example conditional sentence type 1 1. If Jessie has (have) a sharp razor, he will shave (shave) today. 2. I will fix (fix) your bicycle if I have (have) a screwdriver of the proper size. Example conditional sentence type 2 1. If I were (be) rich, I would travel (travel) around the world. 2. we could go (go) out tonight if we didn’t go (not, go) out tonight. Example conditional sentence type 3 1. If it hadn’t snowed (snow), we would have left (leave) yesterday 2. They couldn’t have saved (save) the house if the firemen had arrived (arrived) on time.
NOTE if the if clause come first comma (,) must be used but if the result clause come first comma (,) is not necessary. In type 2, the past tense form of be is always were in a conditional sentence; it can NEVER be was in correct English. If I were…….. if we were….. if she/he were….
Exercise 1.If I ______ (be) sick, he would stay home today. 2.The rain will leak inside if the roofer____ (not, come) soon 3.If I hadn’t been I a hurry, I _____ (not, spill) the milk 4.If I had the time, I _____ (go) to the beach with you this weekend. 5.I _____ (give) t to my sister for her birthday if I finish the dress before Saturday. 6.We would have arrived sooner if we _____ (lose) our way