Deepening the understanding of Inquiry in Natural Sciences European Training Session 5 Fibonacci Topic Group 2 Susana BORDA CARULLA ENS Paris – La main à la pâte Foundation
Main Aim To better define inquiry-based science teaching by exploring teaching and learning practices, and to disseminate strategies for its implementation and tools for evaluation of practice and the consideration of student assessment.
Specific Objectives To better define IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education) by exploring teaching and learning practices To explore similarities and differences between IBSE practice at kindergarten, primary, and middle school levels To understand the issues at stake at the different stages of implementation of an IBSE project To discuss evaluation of teacher CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in IBSE To share strategies for formative and summative assessment of student learning in IBSE
How will we reach these objectives? Throughout the training session, participants will reflect upon how IBSE translates into observable classroom practices, using IBSE Diagnostic Tool for CPD Providers IBSE Self-Reflection Tool for Teachers
The IBSE Diagnostic and Self- Reflection Tools Developed by the Fibonacci Topic Group 2 6 partners working together since June 2010 on a common training/assessment tool which defines IBSE in terms of observable classroom practices Building it involved researchers, teacher trainers, teachers, students from 6 European countries Work process: Starting point: a class observation tool developed by La main à la pâte Review of bibliography on IBSE and class observation instruments Regular working meetings among Topic Group members 3 different tests in at least 5 different classes in each Fibo centre involved, at three different stages of development of the tools The tool and the process of building it: fruitful back-and-forth dialogue between research on IBSE and classroom practice Tools that trigger reflection among the different actors within the educational system: not a finished product
The Fibonacci Topic Group 2 Consultant expert, Fibonacci Scientific Committee: Wynne HARLEN Coord: La main à la pâte – ENS Paris (France): Davis JASMIN Susana BORDA CARULLA RC: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Sweden) Gerd BERGMAN Jan SCHOULTZ Senada ANGELOVA Birgitta ISAKSSON RC: Graduate School of Engineering of Saint Étienne (France) Clémentine TRANSETTI RC: University of Trnava (Slovakia) Katarina KOTULAKOVA Kristina ZOLDOSOVA TC1: University of Patras (Greece) Marida ERGAZAKI TC2: ANISN - National Association of Science Teachers (Naples, Italy): Anna PASCUCCI
Guest speakers Other Fibonacci partners: Tina JARVIS (University of Leicester) Patricia CORIERI (Université Libre de Bruxelles) La main à la pâte trainers: Frédéric PÉREZ Gabrielle ZIMMERMANN David WILGENBUS External guest: Cristina CARULLA (Aalborg University)
To start off… Identify your group and subgroup for Wednesday and Thursday workshops and class visits G1: Kindergarten G2: Elementary G3: Middle School Inscribe your name in one of the lists for the Friday workshops (lists outside of Conference Room)
Tonight’s events… 18h30: if you have a poster to expose, bring it to the Cafeteria (2 nd floor) 19h00: Poster Session at the Cafeteria. 19h30: Tasting of Specialties. Bring your food with you!