Welcome to CS123! Mechanics 9/4/2014
Your Staff Professor: Head TA: Undergraduate TAs, all 123 veterans: Andy van Dam (avd) Head TA: Brandon Montell (bmontell), 2015 Undergraduate TAs, all 123 veterans: Allison Hamburger (ahamburg), 2016 Ben Most (bmost), 2015 Joshua Lewis (jml16), 2015 Michael Murphy (mjm9), 2015 Veena Vignale (vvignale), 2015 – 5th year Masters Vivian Morgowicz (vmorgowi), 2016 9/4/2014
Who Should Take CS123? Juniors or higher Sophomores CS15-16, CS17-18, or CS19 and CS32 or equivalent, with strong software engineering skills (OO design and programming, debugging) – this is a projects-based “studio course” Sophomores did well in intro sequence consider themselves strong programmers willing to put in a bit of extra time up front (e.g., to learn C++) 9/4/2014
Requirements Info If you don’t know C++, you CAN take this class C++ is Java + explicit memory management and some C grottiness additional time investment required early on C++ help session TONIGHT at 8:00 PM in Motorola (CIT 165) CS123 Java to C++ transition tutorial on course website (docs page) TAs can help you with C++ issues on hours Linear Algebra (vector and matrix arithmetic, dot and cross products) help session to review these concepts (later on in the semester) Consider taking Philip Klein’s CS53, Directions: The Matrix in Computer Science If you’re not sure you should be in CS123 or have not met the prereqs, stay after class and see Brandon or email cs123headtas@cs.brown.edu 9/4/2014
Bird’s Eye View of the Course (1/2) Quick start: 2D and 3D graphics with OpenGL 2D raster graphics 2D modeling hierarchy basic image transformations Basic 3D scene management tessellation of curved surfaces transformations (translation, rotation, scale) virtual camera model Scene graph traversal 9/4/2014
Bird’s Eye View of the Course (2/2) 3D Modeling and Rendering – the core intersecting rays with simple solids ray tracing lighting and shadowing of polygonal models stochastic methods for photorealistic rendering GPU hardware rendering (GLSL) Other Topics color theory animation user interfaces 9/4/2014
Workload We don’t want a killer course but it will be intense Expect 15-20 hours of work per week Course is front-loaded, lots to learn in the first three weeks Combining with another programming-heavy course (like CS33) is doable but can be challenging, especially for those who have only taken the intro sequence. Final project doing shader programming on GPU Expect to put in a fair amount of time during reading period 9/4/2014
Half Credit requirements Each project will include a section called half credit requirements Those taking cs1234 will need to complete these requirements Those not taking cs1234 can use the requirements as additional extra credit Expect 7-10 additional hours of work CS1234 can be used as a capstone course Half credit requirements can be be used to get grad credit Do NOT show up at the class time listed on Banner for CS1234 Banner hack ;) 9/4/2014
Course Documents (1/3) Course missive (online) Course guide (online) Assignment deadlines and lecture topics are subject to change Responsible for info on course website: http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs123 Mailing list for course updates – mail will be sent to your Brown CS e-mail address Course guide (online) 9/4/2014
Course Documents (2/3) Collaboration Policy More types of collaboration allowed this year than last year Allowed: discussion of solutions to written “algo” assignments (hand-ins must acknowledge collaboration that takes place), high-level design of programs Not allowed: written notes from discussions with other students, detailed discussion of programs This is different from rules in other courses. Read collaboration policy carefully before you sign because it is a contract MOSS – an AI program that is usually correct – we hand-check suspicious similarity Typical verdict: directed NC and parental notification 9/4/2014
Course Documents (3/3) Lectures posted online. You are encouraged to bring your laptops to read along and annotate lectures. 9/4/2014
The Book The textbook for this class is recommended, but not required Most lectures will correspond to chapters in the book An improved index has been linked on the site’s docs page 9/4/2014
Assignments 6 Programming Projects 10 Labs 1 Final Project Three of which build up to a ray-tracing system Additional requirements for half credit course 70% of final grade 10 Labs Learn what modern graphics systems can do Real-time computer graphics and GPU shaders 3D interaction and UI 10% of final grade 1 Final Project Real-time project using GPU programming You are strongly encouraged to work in groups of 2-3; 2 most common 20% of final grade 9/4/2014
First Assignment First assignment, Brush: warm-up exercise in C++ Out NOW Start early, especially if you’re uncomfortable with C++ Bring questions to help session tonight Algorithm assignment due Sunday, September 7 at 5pm hand in (on paper) in the cs123 bin on the second floor of the CIT no late hand-ins accepted Program due Wednesday, September 10th, 11:59pm 9/4/2014
Projects Brush – a 2d drawing program (intro to C++) Image created using brushes from the “Brush” assignment Projects Brush – a 2d drawing program (intro to C++) Shapes – procedural geometry Filter – image processing Sceneview – 3d static scene viewer for OpenGL Intersect – parametric shapes, ray-shape intersections Ray – your own 3d rendering engine Each project is preceded by a short “algo” assignment, which ensures that you understand the concepts behind the project before starting to code. 9/4/2014
Labs – Thursday 8:30-10:30pm, Friday 4-6 OpenGL 2D – build a simple pong game OpenGL 3D – build an archery simulator Animation – learn how to light and animate scenes with OpenGL Terrain – generate a natural-looking world environment Particles – render flame, fluid, non-rigid objects Camtrans – create an OpenGL viewing camera Shaders I – procedural texturing (snow, grass, etc.) Shaders II – link C++ to shaders and implement Phong lighting Shaders III – make objects look like glass and metal Modeler – build a UI for composing a scene from primitive shapes Lab assignments are due (checked off by a TA) before the next week’s lab 9/4/2014
Final Project Demos 9/4/2014