The Jefferson Area Plan Providing exceptional educational opportunities for all students
"Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be." -Rita F. Pierson
Tonight’s Purpose Share information on the proposed Jefferson Area Plan’s framework with our community. Gather your insight/feedback and ideas to help inform a finalized plan for improving student growth.
Our Current Reality Teachers are teaching, parents are supporting, students are coming to school, yet... Student achievement is not meeting expectations on a consistent basis. We have experienced four consecutive years of failing to meet state expectations.
Current Reality Graduation RateACT Composite ScoreAP # Exams/% Passing Marks 66.7% /13%
Current Reality
What do we believe? ALL STUDENTS can learn at a high level. We have a moral imperative to significantly change the outcomes for our Jefferson Area students.
What will change our current reality? PeopleStructuresProgramming
People Effective educators committed to professional growth, professional learning, and additional time for collaboration and learning. Additional classroom support to meet the needs of our Jefferson Area students. Leverage and coordinate community resources to ensure students arrive at school ready to learn.
Structures Create a multiple pathway neighborhood school for grades 7-12 with a pre-college/career academy focus: Examples of multiple pathways: college prep, JROTC, career focused pathways, STEM, visual-performing arts, diploma with a Seal of Bi-literacy etc. Establish Stevens Elementary K-6 School. Strengthen Professional Learning Communities.
Programming Academic language development (K-12). Dual language support K-12. Utilize problem-based learning (7-12).
Every decision we make needs to keep students at the center.
All Voices Matter At your table groups: – Share what you are excited about. – Share what you are concerned about. – Additional ideas you would like us to consider. We will gather your feedback to inform the final plan to help all students achieve!
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