HW Due Read & Study Do #1-6, 21 – 24, 26, 33 (p. 165–66) (13 pts – 1 pt each and 1 pt for 1 graded on correctness) Tonight’s HW Read & Study – Do #7 – 15, 17 – 20 (p ) (14 pts – 1 pt each and 1 pt for 1 graded on correctness) Don’t forget – test on Ch. 9 & 10 May 7(A) & 8(B) Finish your study guide by the END of class May 5(A) & 6(B) for +5! Do Now Take a clicker… Take a DO NOW from my desk! Chapter 11, Lesson 2: May 1 & 2
DO NOW: What is the weight of the unknown box? A.4.5 N B.60 N C.160 N D.240 N E.540 N F.1800 N G.4800 N H.10,800 N I.None of the above
What is the weight of the unknown box?
DO NOW: A meter stick is balanced as shown. If a 200 gram mass is placed at the 20 cm mark (30 cm from the turning point), at what mark should a 500 gram mass be placed so that the system balances? A.8 cm B.12 cm C.50 cm D.62 cm E.4000 cm F.6000 cm G.None of the above
DO NOW: A meter stick is balanced as shown. If a 200 gram mass is placed at the 20 cm mark (30 cm from the turning point), at what mark should a 500 gram mass be placed so that the system balances?
The question asks at what mark should it be placed? If it’s suspended from 50 cm… Then 50 cm + 12 cm = The 62 cm mark!
LAB PRACTICUM Return your clickers Arrange yourselves in groups of 1 – 5 at desks or lab benches Only items allowed out are a PEN and CALCULATOR… NOTHING ELSE! – Must use a calculator that is NOT your phone or iPod – MAY NOT USE NOTES OR BOOK – May have a piece of loose leaf, or teacher will give you a piece of scrap paper. Follow all directions on the graded form. When you are ready to test your set up, call the teacher over. When done, review your HW from last night with your group. 10 minutes total to complete – failure to do so = 0/25!
Take out the HW from last night Cross off #24 The next slide will contain the answers for your HW Consider it to be like a word back – the answers are not in order Your answer wording might vary slightly…and that’s OK! Check and make corrections with your peers! ANSWERS MEAN NOTHING if you don’t know HOW to get them! Ask a teacher for help if needed!!! 3 minutes
#1-6 Perpendicular to LA CG They are equal Force changes velocity; torque changes rotation CG extends beyond area of support, producing a torque (due to gravity)…you fall! Distance from the axis/fulcrum to the force #21-23, 26, 33 2 kg 3 m 10 Nm 900 Nm each, 0 total 25 Nm 1.5 m 2 m Longer feet = more area of support Longer handle for prying open; thicker handle for stubborn screws. Both provide bigger lever arms Check your HW! Answers NOT in order!
POST LAB Timed assessment – you have 10 minutes Go to test seats - Open notes; NOT open text Can use a calculator Phones out and SILENT EXTRA CREDIT – YOU MUST SHOW WORK for each Mystery Box NEATLY and LEGIBLY in order to earn points EXTRA CREDIT – YOU MUST SHOW WORK for each Mystery Box NEATLY and LEGIBLY in order to earn points – Attach loose leaf if you need more space NO TALKING UNTIL TEACHER SAYS ITS OK – if you talk before you are given permission, you WILL LOSE POINTS. When you are done, turn in post lab and take a copy of Ch 11 POGIL #2. SILENTLY return to test seat and work on notes.
POGIL Work efficiently – check in at stop signs Whatever you do not get done today will be completed next class (the only HW you have tonight is from your book). We are stopping with 3 minutes left for an exit You have a TEST 2 classes from today…. Ensure that you are working to the best of your ability and getting the help you need!!!
NEXT CLASS We will wrap up anything from today’s POGIL – (it is not HW if you don’t finish, but you do have questions from your book) We will review the HW You will have the remainder of class to work on your study guide The study guide is due at the end of next class for +5 Your HW next class will be to prep for the Ch 10 & 11 test Exit Slip Take one, complete, & turn in