+ History Founded in 1907 at NYU 205 active chapters with over 250,000 members Founded in 1947 at Texas Tech 122 current chapter members One of the largest chapters in the U.S. InternationalOur Chapter
+ Chapter Meetings are every Wednesday at 7 PM in the BA Chapter Advisor: Brother Jerry Stevens Other Faculty Initiates: Dean Lance Nail Francisco Delgadillo Mark Moore
+ Who can join? Any Business or Economics Majors Rawls MBA/Graduate students Enrolled full-time at Texas Tech Minimum 3.0 GPA At least 1 remaining semester after Spring 2014
+ Professional Activities At the end of each semester we host a professional dinner and bring in entrepreneurs to speak about their business experiences. Past Speakers:John B. Malouf (Founder of Malouf’s) Usha Viswanathan (CEO and Co-founder of Starnik Systems) 1.Industry Tours 2.Resume Workshops 1.Recruiter Panel Other Events:
+ Community Service Rawls Blood Drive - Jan. 30th Make dinners at Ronald McDonald House Assist Haven Animal Shelter Boys & Girls Club Donation Drives Team at Race for the Cure Actives choose two events throughout the semester to attend to earn their community service points
+ Brotherhood Brotherhood is a VERY important aspect of Delta Sigma Pi! Play co-ed and men’s intramurals Multiple themed socials throughout the semester: Tailgates during football season Tacky Sweater Party Halloween Party America Party
+ Pledging Process Pinning Ceremony – Official acceptance of pledging on February 7 th, 6 PM in BA weekly pledge meetings on Wednesdays at 8 PM Pledge class will choose and complete one community service event, one fundraiser, one social, and one professional dinner Mandatory study hall each Sunday at 7:00 PM in the SUB Initiation Ceremony – Friday, April 11, 6 PM in BA 105 Requirements Spring 2013 Pledge Class
+ Optional Events Provincial LEAD Conference February 14 th – Little Rock, AR Big/Little Retreat April 5 th
+ Interviews Complete “Prospective Candidate” application and to Tina by 11:59 PM on Sunday, February 2 nd Interviews held Tuesday, February 4 th or Wednesday, February 5 th To interview, sign up tonight or Tina to set up a time Bring 4 copies of your resume to the interview (one page limit) Business professional dress We will you Thursday morning following your interview either way. If chosen, you must sign your official bid at our table in the BA Lobby on Thursday.
+ RECRUITMENT EVENTS MEET THE BROTHERS #1 Main Event Bowling Wednesday, Jan. 28 from 8 to 10 PM COMMUNITY SERVICE Rawls Blood Drive Thursday, Jan. 30 – All day, sign up online MEET THE BROTHERS #2 Cocktail Party Saturday, Feb. 1 from 7 to 9 PM INFORMATION SESSIONS Thursday January 23, 2014 – 6:30 PM, BA 105 TuesdayJanuary 28, 2014 – 6:30 PM, BA 105 ThursdayJanuary 30, 2014 – 6:30 PM, BA 105
+ Questions? Contact Tina Rael, Senior Vice President (972) Facebook.com/DSPTTU FOR MORE INFORMATION