Welcome to the Parkview Community! Kindergarten Orientation March 12, 2015
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats How do we light the fire?
Create a sense of belonging…
How do we light the fire? Make students feel SIGNIFICANT!!!
How do we light the fire? Have FUN while you are learning!
Don’t forget the FUN….
How do we light the fire? Teachers, Parents, Students, Administration… we work together and keep the kids FIRST.
Let’s Meet the Best Kindergarten Teaching Team on the planet…
Soon enough, your child will be receiving expert classroom instruction. What does that look like?
…in every classroom
Where do we go from here? March 12 – Orientation April 8, 9, 10 Kindergarten Registration 9:30am – 12:30pm June 24, 25, 26 – Kindergarten Screening Late August (TBD) Back to School Picnic Sept. 2 K Get Acquainted Night (Parents Only) 6:30pm Sept. 3 – K Open House 9:30am – 11:00 (Parents and Students) Sept. 8 – First Day of Kindergarten Then….
Full Day K v. Half Day K Same curriculum, assessments, report cards, expectations Same class size All K Teachers work daily together Same levels of early intervention support Same technology and access to enrichment Full Day is $3500 per year Half Day is free Full Day has over double the time to teach the same curriculum Four full day classrooms, one half day (morning) Full day includes lunch, half day dismisses at 11:45, before lunch
Let’s Look Through the Folder…
What You Need To Bring to Registration: April 8-10 Emergency Forms Filled Out Copy of Child’s Birth Certificate Proof of Residency Most current physical from doctor (INCLUDING IMMUNIZATION RECORD) All forms, completed, in this folder LEAVE STARRED FORM HERE TONIGHT
Medical with Nurse Doreen Graff Medication Policy – children can not carry any medication to school, even over the counter meds. Parents have to notify nurse if on any medicine that will be given at school. Confidentiality – The only info we share with teachers is information that parents agree to share with teachers. Safety first Immunizations (purple form) – We need the current physical (5 year old physical) MUST include a Stereopsis (vision test) on physical Life Threatening Allergy Awareness Policy – Please note any allergy on the emergency forms (supplemental health form only viewed by nurse). Hearing checked at screening
Kindergarten Screening
Parkview PTA and Parkview Panda T-Shirt Sale
Next Steps… Completed starred form and leave here tonight Full Day K deposits and applications Registration – April ADDRESS Screening – June Get Acquainted Night – Sept (before school)