Friday, November 21, 2014 FEAR FOLEY!!!!
The Food Drive Results are in! The Seniors donated a total of 337 cans, Juniors 19 cans, Sophomores 17 cans and Freshman 115 cans. The top 3 homerooms will receive the following prizes: Stella Martin's homeroom raised 177 cans and will receive a Chick-fil-a lunch or pizza lunch (their choice), Mrs. Kilzer's homeroom will receive a pizza lunch and Mrs. Fason's homeroom all receive a doughnut breakfast. Stu Co would like to thank all who brought money or cans to help Ecumenical Ministries feed our community.
Peer Helpers are having a bake sale in room 406 on Monday and Tuesday to raise money for several Christmas charities. Students, please bring your money so that you can enjoy some great sweets!
Attention all Mr. and Miss FHS contestants, your biography and information sheet must be submitted to Moodle TODAY!! You also need to pay your $15 pageant fee.
Have you purchased your yearbook? It will be the first ALL color yearbook in Foley history. The book is $60. See Mrs. Styron in room 803 to purchase your book. There are also a limited number of yearbooks for sale. See Mrs. Styron if you would like to purchase one.
Students who are participating in Model UN need to get their field trip forms, money, and pizza order in to Mrs. Goodwin ASAP!
Seniors—do you want to commemorate your senior year? Do you want to spotlight who you are? Why not do it in the Foley High School Yearbook? The yearbook staff is currently selling senior spotlight ads. Please see Mrs. Styron in room 803 in you are interested.
Seniors: If you have any selfies/pictures that you want put on the senior page in the yearbook, please them to
Our mighty Lions football team will go head to head with the Prattville Lions in the third round of the playoffs at Ivan Jones Stadium TONIGHT. Tickets are $10 and are available in the front office.
Attention students, The Lady Lion Volleyball team will host a faculty/student volleyball game Tuesday, December 2nd during school. Tickets will be on sale Monday, December 1 and Tuesday December 2 with your homeroom teacher. Coach Walker will also be selling tickets during all lunch waves on Monday, December 1. All students who do not purchase a ticket will remain in class. Come out and support the Lady Lions Volleyball team and watch the faculty defeat the senior class!
Applications for the new Fire Science Academy at South Baldwin Center for Technology are due this week. Applications are available at under the Fire Science article or you may see your counselor for additional information.
Seniors: Mrs. K has a few extra senior shirts in all sizes. Long sleeve are $20 and short sleeve are $15—first come, first serve.
Attention Lion nation: Mrs. K. has pride hut spirit shirts for sale in room 207; short sleeve shirts are $10, long sleeve shirts are $15 and hoodies are $20—make sure to come by and get your spirit gear for the game tonight! Mrs. K is also selling spirit sticks and shakers for $2—pump that lion spirit up and get ready to cheer on our Mighty Lions!