The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Presents: “ Anthropogenic (Human Caused) Global Warming - Is This The Greatest Scientific Myth of our Generation?” Wednesday, January 25 th 2012 Shilo Inn Hotel Ballroom - Portland, Oregon
The 2011/12 Oregon AMS Executive Council has seven (7) talented and diverse members this year. If you are here today, please stand when called: Steve Pierce - President Bobby Corser - Vice President Mark Nelsen - Secretary John Rinier - Treasurer & Web Master Councilors -Tyree Wilde, Charlie Feris & George Miller
Oregon AMS Updates AMS yearly membership dues for 2011/12 are now overdue. Only $7 per year. See John at back table. The AMS is continually seeking new members who want to join. Yes, you can pay for multiple years (ahead in time) if desired! We are on and we are also on Facebook at: Congratulations to the following winners of the annual Oregon AMS “guess the first snowflake” in Portland contest --- Bob Shaw, Robert McKay and Kim Gates. The first flakes fell on Portland at 03:53AM on 1/15/12.
Oregon AMS Updates A Quick Presidential Note – Due to the unfortunate cancellation of this meeting last November at OMSI, the Oregon AMS and its treasury had to use additional funds for this evenings meeting that were not previously allocated. If you find that the information presented here tonight was valuable, please consider making a small / one-time cash donation to the Oregon AMS general treasury with our treasurer at the back of the room at any point tonight. We are also looking for new members! You can join the AMS right here tonight! It’s just $7 per year! Thank you kindly! Steve Pierce Oregon AMS President
Oregon AMS Updates We appreciate the efforts of our media partners – KATU, KOIN, KGW, KPTV, KEX, KXL, KPAM, The Oregonian, The Columbian, and many more! Also, many thanks to all of you who help spread the Oregon AMS word via Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms!
Oregon AMS Updates More Great Oregon AMS Meetings Are Coming Soon The Oregon AMS is working hard on the following meetings for the February-June time frame: * Dr. Cliff Mass (U of W) - “Pacific Northwest Weather” * Dr. Nate Mantua (U of W) - “Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)” * Oregon Climatologist Dr. Phil Mote and/or Kathie Dello - “What’s new with the Oregon Climate Service in Corvallis?” * Bruce Sussman – KOIN-TV “Winter Weather Recap”
Tonight’s Meeting Guidelines * No Government Conspiracy Theories * No OMSI Conspiracy Theories * Stick To The Science of the Topic Tonight * No Heckling, Insults, Finger Pointing * No Personal Verbal Attacks * No Political Attacks * Please Be Respectful To All * Meeting Will be Self-Policed
Oregon AMS Disclaimer Oregon AMS Mission Statement --- “The purpose of this society shall be to advance professional ideals in the science of meteorology and to promote the development, exchange and application of meteorological knowledge.” Please note - The Oregon AMS does not endorse any speaker here today, nor any claims or assertions they may make. The Oregon AMS Chapter and its Executive Council have no formal position or opinion on the subject of global warming, aka; climate change. Our membership is welcome and entitled to their own opinion on this subject.
Tonight’s Rundown Guest Speakers = 7:15pm – 8:30pm-ish Open Q&A = 8:30pm-ish to 9:00pm One Question = One Answer Meeting Ends = 9:00pm Tonight’s presentations will be posted to the Oregon AMS website ASAP!
Let’s Take A Quick Audience Poll On Human Caused Global Warming ! Do You Feel Global Warming Is Human Caused or Not?