TOWN OF LANTANA FY 2010/11 BUDGET WORKSHOP Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
WHERE ARE WE? Working through budget Compiled department requests and revenue projections Reviewed budget at the account level Following through on budget strategy Two months until final adoption of budget Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
PRIMARY FACTORS AFFECTING BUDGET REVENUES – GENERAL FUND Property values drop 16.6% Utility and Franchise taxes Interest Income TOTAL REOCCURRING REVENUE DECREASE $523,000 Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
PRIMARY FACTORS AFFECTING BUDGET REVENUES – UTILITY FUND Reoccurring revenues still projected to decrease $116k Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
TAXABLE VALUES Taxable value for FY10 budget Final taxable value for FY10 – VAB Taxable value for FY11-Certified Decrease in value Percentage decrease $870.9 million $867.8 million $723.7 million $144 million 16.6% Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
AD VALOREM PROCEEDS Current draft is calculated at Certified taxable value – FY11 $723.7M Ad Valorem taxes at current rate $2.22M (at a 95% collection rate) Percentage DECREASE in revenue 16.9% Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
GENERAL FUND REVENUES Decrease in property values while using same millage rate reduces revenue by $453k. Other decreases in revenue due to economy - $50k. Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
GENERAL FUND Projected revenue Less: Personnel (72.73 FTEs) Operating Capital Debt Transfers out Projected deficit 7,696,356 5,817,170 1,514,577 46, , ,600 ($87,741) Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM 75%19%1%2%3%
GENERAL FUND Cost of Living (COLA) has not been included at this time. Merit plan has not been included. Pension costs are projected at 22.62% for sworn officers and 7% for general employees. Elimination of four positions (2 vacant). Boat trailer decal parking program included. Transfer to the Transportation Fund. Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
UTILITY FUND Projected revenue Less: Personnel (18.9 FTEs) Operating Capital Debt Contingency Projected deficit 4,923,000 1,391,850 1,954, ,000 1,047,200 $75,000 ($55,106) Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM 28%39.5%10%21%1.5%
UTILITY FUND Revenue from operations are down by 2.3%. No merit or COLA included; pension unchanged at 7%. Includes debt payment of $1,047,200. Includes capital requests of $510,000 Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
TRANSPORTATION FUND Projected operational revenue Less: Operating Capital Debt Projected operational deficit Transfer in from General Fund 261, ,100 5, ,500 ($212,600) $212,600 Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM 34%1%65%
TRANSPORTATION FUND Revenue from gas tax receipts have slightly increased. Current projected transfer from the General Fund is $212,600. Includes debt payment of $308,500. Includes $121,000 for street lighting. Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM
Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 27, :30 PM WHAT IS NEXT? Tonight’s Council Meeting – tentative millage rate & date/time of 1 st Public Budget Hearing August – finalize draft budget for Council’s consideration Incorporate Council direction into budget 1 st Public Budget Hearing is September 13 th at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers – Council to set proposed millage rate 2 nd and Final Public Budget Hearing is September 27 th at 6:00 pm – Council to adopt final millage rate & budget for fiscal year 2010/11
Town of Lantana Budget Workshop July 26, :30 PM THANK YOU