At Christmas Christmas´ Eve Christmas´ Eve Christmas´ Day Christmas´ Day Fool´s Day Fool´s Day New Year´s Eve New Year´s Eve The coming of the Three Wise Men The coming of the Three Wise Men
Christmas´ Eve (on 24th December) This is the day of Jesus´ birth. This is the day of Jesus´ birth. We have dinner with our family. We have dinner with our family. We prepare the Crib on that day. We prepare the Crib on that day. We sing carols. We sing carols. Some families open presents tonight. Many go to a Midnight Mass. Some families open presents tonight. Many go to a Midnight Mass.
Christmas´ Day (on 25 th December) We have a very beautiful time. We have a very beautiful time. People decorate houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts...People decorate houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts...
Fool´s Day (on 28 th December) We play jokes on the others. We can be with our friends.
New Year´s Eve (on 31 st D ecember) We have dinner with our family. We have dinner with our family. At 00:00 we eat 12 grapes to welcome the New Year. At 00:00 we eat 12 grapes to welcome the New Year.
The Three Wise Men (on 5 th January) The Three Wise Men bring us some presents during the night, but only when we have been nice. The Three Wise Men bring us some presents during the night, but only when we have been nice.
Paula García Sierra, nº13, 1B.