1. After he presented his data, Ahmed felt relieved. A.) adjective clause C.) main clause B.) subordinate clause D.) independent clause L B.) subordinate clause F
2. Bring your books into the library. A.) Adjective clause C.) Adverb phrase B.) subordinate clause D.) main clause LF C.) Adverb phrase
3. When she arrives tonight, Hannah needs to unpack her suitcase. A.) Main clause C.) subordinate clause B.) Adjective clause D.) dependent clause L A.) Main clause F
4-The beach party, which was planned a month ago, is this weekend. A.) main clause C. ) Noun clause B.) Adverb clauseD.) Adjective clause L F
5. Because you came home, I will prepare lunch. A.) Adjective clause C.) main clause B.) Adverb clauseD.) Adverb phrase L B.) Adverb clause F
6- We visited the museum that shows animals from long ago. A.) main clause C.) Adjective clause B.) Adjective phrase D.) Adverb clause L C.) Adjective clause F
7- I will have tea if you do too. A.) Adjective clause C.) Adjective phrase B.) Noun clause D.) Adverb clause L F
8- The manager whom I asked for help met me in his office. A.) Adverb phrase C.) Adjective phrase B.) Adverb clause D.) Adjective clause L F
9- The skylight on the roof of the house broke. A.) Adjective clause C.) Adverb phrase B.) Adjective phrase D.) Adverb clause L B.) Adjective phrase F
10- He knows more than the other officers do. A.) main clause C.) Adjective clause B.) A phrase D.) Adverb clause L F
Congratulations! Thank you for playing. I hope you got it.
Quest ion 11? A.) answer B.) answer C.) answerD.) correct answer L F
Quest ion 12? A.) answer B.) correct answer C.) answerD.) answer L B.) correct answer F
Quest ion 13? A.) answer B.) answer C.) answerD.) correct answer L F
Quest ion 14? A.) answer B.) answer C.) correct answerD.) answer L C.) correct answer F
Quest ion 15? A.) correct answerB.) answer C.) answerD.) answer L A.) correct answer F