The Basics Have beginnings in the 1950’s when Hollywood asked graphic designers to animate movie titles for feature films. This developed into what is now called Motion Graphics 1980’s television corporations began adding motion graphics for television network branding, station I.D.’s and bumpers: Examples: ABC round logo, NBC Peacock, CBS Eye designed by Paul Rand Motion graphics often combine music with images Utilized in: Film titles Television Station Identification and Bumpers Commercials Public Service Announcements (PSA’s} Interactive media: web animations, Splash pages, Navigations, Banners, Adverts, DVD menus Music videos Environment: interior design, Video walls, retail *how many TVs do you see when shopping at Wal-Mart or Meijer? Exteriors: Billboards (animated), Marquis( time square)
The Basics continued… Motion Graphics Techniques and Methods Relies heavily on Design Principles for compositional continuity Mixed media: images mixed with live action footage, text, music, scanned images Kinestasis: Camera motion over still images Collage: artistic technique where fragments of images, materials, and other flat objects are arranged into the same pictorial space. Compositing: creating a final 2D image out of a various layers or 3D elements Layering: Positioning various elements over one another to reveal or hide portions Key-frame Animation: locking in attribute values at various specific frames and allowing the computer to interpolate between the values to create motion or attribute changes across time. Image Processing: special effects, color editing, stylization: Non destructive changes to original footage to create new visual style or visual alterations. Rotoscoping: Drawing or painting over live footage
Motion Graphics in Television Harry Marks “Wanted the 13” television to be a porthole to something more” Inspired by 2001 Space Odyssey Star gate sequence special effects by Doug Trumbull Utilized same idea for ABC’s Movie of the Week opening sequence Worked with Pacific Data Images company for 10 years Pacific Data Images (PDI) becomes Dreamworks Carl Rosendahl PDI visionary 10 years created computer animation for Harry He helped cut costs, quickened delivery times Designs done on Macs and sent to Dreamworks 1987 Monday night at the movies Entertainment tonight opening titles won Emmy Harry did not create flying logos but sent viewers on a trip Believes in the sticking with rules of design: “If you know the rules and have a vision, you will rise above the rest” Check out Harry Mark’s interview on!
Motion Graphics in Television The Basics Branding Networks spend huge sums of money assessing viewers and developing their on screen look Station identification Every station is required to identify itself on an hourly basis and at the beginning and end of a broadcast period Identifies the stations call letters, and channel number. IDs must be able to apply the aesthetics of a logo 5-10 seconds Show openers seconds Used to set the stage for the up coming program Should reflect the networks identity and tone and captivate the viewer and keep them watching Commercials 5-10 seconds to hour long infomercials 30 sec commercials referred to as “spots” Used to generate brand recognition and facilitate product sales Bumpers 2-5 second transitions between programs and commercial breaks
Motion Graphics in Television The Basics continued Lower Thirds A combination of graphics and text that appears on the bottom portion of the screen to identify the station, the presenter, and the content being aired. Mortises Full screen graphics that are used to frame live footage some times used with lower 1/3’s Lineups Inform the viewer of up coming programs by displaying the name dates and times Public Service Announcements (PSA) Non commercial spots that strive to create public awareness about issues Music Videos Huge presence in music videos which are now considered multifaceted forms of art and popular culture.
Examples of Motion Graphics for television and music videos Harry Marks interviews CRISH Design Formerly Cyber Motion is a motion graphics design studio founded by Trish and Chris Meyer Authors of the book: Creating Motion graphics with After EffectsCreating Motion graphics with After Effects Create motion graphics for movie titles, Broadcast, and Corporations Been using After Effects since its earliest beginnings Giant Octopus Studios Selected Television Motion Graphics Viewpoint Creative Network ID, Television Program ID Zona DesignZona Design: Selected Television Motion Graphics Susan DetrieSusan Detrie: ESPN Spots Blur StudiosBlur Studios: Kids choice awards opener Freestyle Collective: Cartoon network, MTV, Comedy Central spots Yellow Submarine: Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds track : : George Dunning, 1968 Developed by experimental artist Rotoscope technique applied to old clips of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing Colors were applied with little care for continuity from frame to frame This film sets the stage for development of music videos