P A L O V E R D E C O L L E G E ACADEMIC SENATE Tuesday, October 26, 2010 CL 130, 3:00 p.m.
ADOPTION OF AGENDA First Motion Second Motion Amendments Approval Agenda for October 26, 2010
APPROVAL OF MINUTES First Motion Second Motion Amendments Approval Minutes of September 28, 2010
PUBLIC FORUM The Senate floor is open to public commentary and announcements. Each speaker has a time limit of five minutes. During forum, please refrain from comments and discussion while the speaker has the floor.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Halloween Lockdown, Friday, October 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Tech Building Auto Shop SB 1440 Webinar (ASCCC), Wednesday, November 4:00- 5:30 p.m. (Free) Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11—Campus Closed No Instruction Day, Friday, November 12—Campus Open, No Classes Flex/Career Day, Tuesday, November 16 Withdrawal Deadline, Friday, November 19 Thanksgiving Holiday, November 24-25—Campus Closed
INFORMATION ITEM Palo Verde College Matriculation Plan Update Recently, PVC Student Services completed a matriculation plan update. It is on the Board of Trustees’ agenda for approval tonight.
LEADERSHIP REPORTS President Vice President Secretary
COMMITTEE REPORTS Accreditation/Planning & Steering Articulation & Transfer Basic Skills Budget Catalog Curriculum Distance Education Enrollment Management Equivalency Facilities Faculty and Staff Diversity Flex Foundation Faculty Representative Instructional Technology Matriculation Program Review Scholarship Security Task Force Staff Development Student Learning Outcomes Title III
UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Senate needs to finish the following business from past session: Final Reading & Approval Resolution : Support of ASCCC Resolution 2.01—Opposition to Using SLOs in Faculty Evaluation In previous session, Senate decided to continue further discussion and make final decision on the resolution in Fall 2010.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Senate needs to finish the following business from past session: Senate Bylaws Revision In previous session, Senate decided to continue further discussion and take action in Fall 2010.
NEW BUSINESS Senate needs to address or review the following business in present session: Classroom Management Issues—Philip Clinton
NEW BUSINESS Senate needs to address or review the following business in present session: First Reading Resolution Creating Cohesive and Unified Academic Standards for Palo Verde College
NEW BUSINESS Senate needs to address or review the following business in present session: First Reading Resolution Implementation of Writing Across the Curriculum for Palo Verde College
FUTURE BUSINESS Senate may need to address or review the following business in future session:
ADJOURN Next Academic Senate meeting is… Tuesday, November 16, 2010 CL 130, 3:00 p.m.