What’s Happening in Deseret Peak District? January 2013 Positive Attitude Lights, Camera, Action
Get your hands on the Roll! Make sure if you are NEW TO ROUNDTABLE that you fill out the form you will be given and clip it to the roll clip board in your section class. If you have been attended recently, you should find your name and info on the roll. Simply mark the appropriate box, so that you and your pack get credit for attending…IT COUNTS!
Another reason to do our best and provide a Cub Scout program for boys!
District Dinner February 28, :30 PM Stansbury South Stake Center 240 Interlochen Ln, Stansbury Park This is dinner and evening is meant for all Charter Executive, COR(Charter Organization Rep.), and all adults registered in Boy Scouts of America and their spouses. There is NO CHARGE for dinner. Proper dress would be scout uniform or Sunday dress. See you at the District Dinner! SEE NEWSLETTER PAGE 4
DESERET PEAK DISTRICT Pinewood Derby April 13, 2013 All registered Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos Scouts are invited to participate. Boys do not need to participate in a pack derby or be a pack winner. More information will be available soon along with Council rules that are presently being revised. Registration will be at McBeths and start in February SEE PAGE 10 OF NEWSLETTER
Leader Specific Training Saturday, February 16 8 AM-NOON Come and get your training and have some fun at the same time! I’m not afraid of training….I’m not afraid of training…..
Free Cub Scout Leader District Calendars Our annual Christmas gift to you as a leader will be given out at Closing at the end of this month’s Roundtable. You can only get one if you attend. Make sure you attend and stay through Closing tonight.
Roundtable is moving during part of this Cub Scouting year! Due to scheduling conflicts with the school, we have to find a different location— December, April and May December, April and May. Tooele North Stake Center, 583 N. 270 E., Tooele During the months above we will meet at Tooele North Stake Center, 583 N. 270 E., Tooele Join us at the new location!
Do you have the current BSA Info? Leader Book Den & Pack Guide Academic & Sports How To Book Fun for Family You need the current resources to make sure that you are following the current guidelines of BSA and protecting yourself, your sponsoring organization and the boys and their families.
TOURS PLANS! Tour Plans are now only done online and submitted online, using your myscouting account, you use for online trainings, such as Youth Protection.
SEE PAGE 2 OF NEWSLETTER Give your scouts the gift of a fully trained leader and a leader who attends roundtable, stays informed and current in the Cub Scouting program! What gift can you give?
Tooele Scout Shop PLAN AHEAD!! Tooele Scout Shop is available because of the McBeths and their generosity Please do not come until after 5 PM. There may something come up suddenly. Plan ahead or you’ll be making a trip to Salt Lake..
Wood Badge Courses 2013 March 21-23, April 11-13, May 2-4, 9-11 May 16-18, July 1-6 August September 12-14, October 3-5, November 7-9, 14-16
Youth Protection Remember... "Youth Protection Training" is a requirement BEFORE an adult can register in any position. Youth Protection Training is available online at
For up-to-date Cub Scouting information for Deseret Peak District deseretpeakcubscouting.com For Council saltlakescouts.org SEE NEWSLETTER PAGE 2
Earn it! Check out the newsletter for information on how to earn the Cub Scout Leader Roundtable Patch for the Cub Scout Year. SEE PAGE 7 IN NEWSLETTER
Melissa Wallace & Matt Kennedy for earning your Wood Badge Beads & receiving them tonight!! Congratulations to—
Need an Arrow of Light Ceremony? Did you know that your pack doesn’t have to have someone else do Arrow of Light Ceremonies? You can plan and create your own or there are many available online. If you don’t want to do your own, feel free to contact the following— Jeff Lemmon (Order of the Arrow) or Lynn Taylor SEE PAGE 2
JanuaryPositive AttitudeLights, Camera, Action FebruaryResourcefulnessInvention Convention MarchCompassionPet Pals AprilFaithMy Family Tree MayHealth & FitnessDestination Parks JunePerseveranceOver the Horizon JulyCourageThe New Frontier AugustHonestyHeroes of History JanuaryPositive AttitudeLights, Camera, Action FebruaryResourcefulnessInvention Convention MarchCompassionPet Pals AprilFaithMy Family Tree MayHealth & FitnessDestination Parks JunePerseveranceOver the Horizon JulyCourageThe New Frontier AugustHonestyHeroes of History Core Value/Themes for
Need help, information, or have suggestions? Feel free to contact: Roger Ekins Michelle Ekins Stay Up to Date by going to our website: SEE NEWSLETTER PAGE 2
FACEBOOK Be a friend on FACEBOOK DESERET PEAK CUB SCOUTING If you have great Cub Scouting ideas, or pictures, post and share them. Please leave off names of those in the pictures as well as Pack numbers for safety purposes.
7:30 p.m. at another great Roundtable at the Tooele Jr. High School Lunchroom Blue GoldIdea Night! Even if you have planned your B&G you will find great ideas to use for other situations. Bring a new leader from your pack! 7:30 p.m. at another great Roundtable at the Tooele Jr. High School Lunchroom for our annual Blue & Gold Idea Night! Even if you have planned your B&G you will find great ideas to use for other situations. Bring a new leader from your pack! See you January 3,