Unit 1 Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Spelling Words High Frequency Words Phonics Resources: Short a Phonics Resources: Final ck Comprehension Resources: Character Practice and Spelling Workbook Pages Grammar Resources: Sentences Jefferson County Schools Credited for Daily Fix Its
How do people take care of pets? Question of the Week How do people take care of pets?
Day 1 Morning Warm-Up! The cat needs some water. The dog wants a bone. That bird lives in a birdhouse where she feels quite at home. How do people take care of pets?
Amazing Words needs shelter responsibility
Shared Literature Please Get Me a Pet Pets are great, but they all have Needs, needs. Dogs and cats need shelter and Songbirds must have seeds. Mommy, Daddy, please, Get a pet for me. I am old enough to take Responsibility. Click to Play Song
a t at c a t cat s a t sat Word Work BLEND AND SEGMENT PHONEMES: Short a a t at c a t cat s a t sat
Phonemic Awareness a t am cat ham an ran bat ad mad tag
Read the short a words. am bat can ran cap bag cab tag mad
Introduce Phonics Target Skill: Short a Activity 1: Long A and Short A Sounds and Short and Long Diacritical Marks (04:09) Activity 2: Short A Words with the C-V-C Pattern (01:42)
Building Words Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery
Spelling Words Phonics Resources : Short a Vowel cat dad gap jam man How to Decode Words Video Blending Words Game Spelling City http://www.hbschool.com/menus/auto/18/49.html http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/construct/ http://www.iknowthat.com/com/Language?Topic=Short%20A%20Sounds&Activity=match http://www.starfall.com/n/level-a/learn-to-read/play.htm?f http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/double-consonants-ck.html http://www.dositey.com/2008/language/phonics/phonics1.htm Short a rhyming words: Click a word and jump to that link. cat dad gap jam man
Spelling Words at am
Spelling Words can
Spelling Words cat
Spelling Words bat
Spelling Words ran
Spelling Words dad
Spelling Words mad
Spelling Words back
Spelling Words sack
Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Build Background
Build Background Taking Care of Pets
Shared Writing
Writing and Grammar A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. Grammar Transparency 1
Daily Fix-It Daad said my kat ran. 2. I im mab at that cat.
Grammar Resources : Sentences Scrambled Sentences Interactive Complete the Sentence Interactive Sentence Builder Can You Make Sense of the Sentence? Making Sentences Game Put Words in the Right Order Interactive Put the Sentence in the Correct Order What’s the Correct Word Order?
Day 2 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about dogs. Many kids around the world have dogs. Do you think a dog would make good friend?
Amazing Words cuddle tickle
Shared Literature What are some ways you can cuddle a dog? What does it feel like when a dog licks your face?
b a ck back s a ck sack p a ck pack Makes one sound: k Introduce Phonics Target Skill: Final ck Makes one sound: k b a ck back s a ck sack p a ck pack
Read the sentences. I am mad . Dad had a bag . I am back .
Building Words Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery
Phonics Resources : Final ck Powerpoint ck Word Blender
Vocabulary Words in on way
Use a vocabulary word to finish the sentence. Sam is on my foot.
Which way did he go?
Sam was in the yard.
HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS to review: the do that
Speaking and Listening Why We Speak
How do you play with pets? Cats Dogs
Daily Fix-It 3. look at the little cat 4. she is in that sakk.
Day 3 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about a pet cat named Sam. Sam is a cat that runs away. Why did he go? Will Sam come back?
Amazing Words faithful
Shared Literature What dogs in this book look faithful? Do you think a dog is a kid’s best friend? Why?
Building Words Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery
Build Background Things Cats Do
Comprehension Target Skill: character Definition: A character is a person or animal in a story. Who are the characters in the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears ?
Practice finding the character. http://www.learner.org/interactives/story/characters.html
Daily Fix-It 5. My dad ren with the cat the cat was in the sak.
Interactive Elements of a Story Comprehension Resources : Character Character Trading Cards: Lesson and Resources Interactive Elements of a Story Summarize Story Elements Drama Map: Complete Lesson and Resources
Day 4 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about games puppies like to play. Did you ever play with a puppy? What games have you played with pets?
Amazing Words fetch heel
Shared Literature How do animals learn to play fetch? How do pets heel?
Vocabulary Words in on way
How does a written sentence always begin? Grammar What is a sentence? How does a written sentence always begin? How do many written sentences end? Click here to take the Sentence Quiz
Daily Fix-It 7. Sam ran bac 8. dad is at dat.
Day 5 Morning Warm-Up! This week we read about animal friends. Cats like to cuddle, jump, and run. Faithful dogs fetch and heel. How do responsible owners take care of their pets?
Shared Literature Where do cats like to sleep? What does the hedgehog do instead of learning to fetch, heel, or answer? How do you think the boy knows when the gerbil is hungry?
gingerly Challenge Word I will cuddle your hedgehog gingerly. Pam rubbed her toe gingerly after she fell.
Look at the cat on the sack. Pack a can of ham. Jack ran to tag me. Short a and Final ck Review Circle the short a words and final ck words. Look at the cat on the sack. Pack a can of ham. Jack ran to tag me.
Vocabulary Words in on way
Sam ran away on a sunny day. Which way did Sam go? Sam was in the yard.
Animal Friends Taking Care of Pets
Daily Fix-It 9. dad is made at Sam. 10. sam ran bak to Dad.