YOGA MOVEMENT ► Cat/Cow Come to all fours, knees below hips, hands below shoulders. Inhale, lift sitting bones and head to arch back. Exhale, contract abdominal muscles and draw head toward the pubic bone to round back. Repeat
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) From Cat/Cow, tuck toes under. Inhale and lift sitting bones toward the ceiling. Exhale, press hands into the floor, straighten arms and draw chest towards legs. Breathe and gradually straighten legs.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Up Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) From Down Dog, exhale, release hips down and flip over toes. Contract buttocks and lower hips toward the floor. Press hands down, lift sternum and look up. Inhale, lift hips up, exhale and push back to Down Dog
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) From Down Dog, inhale, lift head and step forward between hands. Start with knees bent and breathe. Slowly straighten legs with the exhalation. If you can't straighten your legs, use a chair or table for support. Inhale, bend knees and walk hands up legs to come to standing.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) From standing, inhale and bring arms overhead, interlocking thumbs. Straighten arms. Press feet into the floor and lengthen spine up. Exhale, reach arms right and press hips to left. Inhale and return to center. Exhale, change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Standing Cow Pose (Gomukhasana) From standing, inhale and bring right arm overhead. Exhale, bend right elbow and turn hand down back. Reach left hand behind and up back to grab right hand. Turn head to left. If necessary, use a belt. Inhale, release. Exhale, change sides
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Standing Eagle Pose (Garudasana) From Standing Cow Pose, bring right arm across the body using left hand to pull the elbow over. Reach left hand across the body to grasp right shoulder. Keep elbows crossed, release hands and turn palms toward each other. Breathe. Exhale, change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Warrior 2 (Virbhadrasana II) Step feet wide. Turn right leg and foot out, left foot in. Align heel of right foot with arch of left foot. Inhale, lift sternum and arms. Exhale, bend right leg. Keep center of right knee in line with center of hip. Inhale up, change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Triangle (Trikonasana) Align the feet as in Warrior 2. Inhale, exhale and release hips to lower torso over right leg, with right hand on ankle. Inhale, extend left arm and turn head to look up. Exhale, turn head to look down while reaching left hand behind the back. Repeat. Inhale while coming up and change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana) Align feet as in Warrior 2. Inhale, exhale and bend right leg to bring elbow onto knee. Inhale, extend left arm over ear and turn head to look up. Exhale, turn head to look down while reaching hand behind back. Repeat. Inhale while coming up and change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Back of the Neck Stretch Lie on back. Interlace hands behind head. Inhale, exhale, contract abdominal muscles and lift head to look toward feet. Use arms to gently stretch back of neck. Breathe. Exhale and release. Repeat.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) From the Back of the Neck Stretch, bend knees and bring feet close to buttocks, hip width apart. Exhale, lift hips up. Interlace fingers, roll shoulders under and straighten arms. Exhale, come down and pull knees up to the chest. Repeat.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Fish Pose (Matsyasana) From Bridge Pose, straighten legs. Inhale, lift sternum and walk elbows in under shoulders. Press elbows down, lift sternum higher and allow head to release back towards floor. Exhale to roll down.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Floor Twist Straighten left leg, bend right leg and shift hips to right. Place right foot on left knee. Inhale, exhale and twist to the left. Turn the head to the right. Inhale up and change sides.
YOGA MOVEMENT ► Final Resting Pose (Savasana) From the Floor Twist, bend both knees and place the feet on the floor. Lift the sternum and slide the shoulder blades down the back. Place a blanket under the neck to support the curve of the neck while resting. Straighten and relax legs. Breathe and rest.