The FOCUS SYSTEM F – Find Your Reason O – Own Your Mind C – Concentrate On Your Task U – Understand Your Distractions S – See the Big Picture Applying the distracted driver principles to the workplace Brian Nulty (MSC) & Greg Griffin (Chubb), two Safety Professionals from Georgia, developed the FOCUS system that has reduced injuries in some workplaces by over 25%.
2 WHY THE FOCUS SYSTEM?? Distracted associates like Distracted Drivers are at a greater risk of being involved in an incident and injury 85 to 90% of Injuries at some companies Distraction Rate - % of incidents where distractions were the proximate cause Incidents and injuries are caused when associates are distracted while performing their work We want To BE AND STAY proactive in the areas of safety, quality, & productivity
3 FOCUS Triangle Severe Injury or Damage Incidents Near Misses Distractions ZEN Proverb “When walking, walk. When eating, eat.” Do one thing at a time. – The basic step is to keep it simple: single- task, avoid multi-tasking.
4 Are These Distractions? Birth/Death in Family Divorce/Separation/Marriage Crowded Work Area Financial/Mortgage Health/Diet Coworker/Supervisor One Method to Deal with Distractions: Take Mini-breaks to let your mind wander (10 – 15 seconds) – write it down then return to work/task.
5 Distractions can lead to injury The more distractions we have; the greater chance of being injured. The chance of being injured, when distracted, is 40% to 80% higher. FOCUS will not solve the distractions but will help make you AWARE of injury causing distractions. Inattention is involved in 78% of all observed crashes and 66% of all crash events (crash/near crash).
6 F IND YOUR REASON Personalize it. ▪Why is safety important to YOU. Self Preservation. ▪Who wants to be injured. Your Family Needs You. WHAT IS YOUR REASON FOR STAYING FOCUSED?
7 O WN YOUR MIND Own & Control Your Frustrations. ▪Stop and ask for help. Own & Choose Your Attitude. ▪Stay Positive. Avoid Overconfidence. ▪Don’t get too comfortable. Keep Your Mind On Your Work. WHAT IS YOUR ATTITUDE TODAY?
8 C ONCENTRATE ON YOUR TASK Keep Your Eyes On Your Work ▪Focus on the task at hand ▪Looking ahead while walking and driving Follow The Job’s Procedures ▪Written with Safety in mind Critical Tasks Include: ▪Material Handling Equipment ▪Lifting Items ▪Placement Of Items Understand Hand and Feet Placement ▪How to carry, lift, move, slide, and handle an item ▪Maintain a 3 point contact on stairs and ladders WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE TO KEEP YOUR EYES ON?
9 U NDERSTAND YOUR DISTRACTIONS Know Your Cognitive Distractions ▪Thinking, reasoning, remembering, imagining. Know Your Physical Distractions ▪Radios and surrounding environment. Associate Conversations ▪When we talk and try to perform critical tasks our minds may not be on the task. Personal Matters ▪Things in your everyday life. WHAT THINGS CAUSE YOU TO BE DISTRACTED?
10 S EE THE BIG PICTURE Know Your Fatigue/Energy Level ▪When tired – FOCUS ▪ Exercise and Diet Don’t Rush ▪Know the times that cause you to rush - FOCUS Avoid Shortcuts ▪Follow procedures Take Your Time With Unfamiliar Items & Tasks WHAT IS TIME NEEDED TO DO IT SAFELY?