Understanding by Design Understanding by Design (UbD)
Please think alone… What is it that really determines the events of a school day?
A glance at the answers we found… What is it that really determines the events of my day? Understanding by Design suggests: Begin by clearly identifying the State/District standards that are to be met Secondly plan the assessments Finally plan the activities that will lead student learning Are any of the activities of my day the “enemy of intelligence”? Typical Plan Typical Plan UbD Example UbD Example
Desired Results
Essential Question A Language Arts Example: The student will decode unfamiliar words using phonetic and structural analysis and will read with fluency and expression. 1. Read unfamiliar, complex and multi-syllabic words using advanced phonetic and structural analysis. 2. Read aloud narrative and expository text with fluency, accuracy and appropriate pacing, intonation and expression. I can read difficult words by sounding them out I can read difficult words by figuring out the meaning of the base word and any prefixes or suffixes Established Goal What do good readers do when they don’t know a word? Understandings
A Math Example: Add and subtract one- digit whole numbers in real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Use one-digit addition and subtraction to solve real-world and mathematical problems. 2. Find the sum of three one-digit numbers. I can use one-digit addition to solve a math problem I can use one-digit subtraction to solve a math problem Established Goal Understandings Essential Question How do good problem solvers use numbers to answer this question?
Assessment Evidence
Assessment Rubric: I can name the uppercase letters of the alphabet. I can name the uppercase letters of the alphabet I named all of the uppercase letters I named some of the uppercase letters I named few of the uppercase letters
Language Continuum…
Math Self-Assessment Record I CAN… Goals 1 Solve multiplication and division basic facts to Identify factors and multiples of numbers 3 Describe and use the zero property of multiplication 4 Describe and use the one property of multiplication 5 Describe and use the commutative property of multiplication 1 : I don’t yet understand how to do this skill 2 : I need more practice with this skill 3 : I understand how to do this skill and am successful most of the time 4 : I understand how to do this skill and am ready to be challenged
Assessment Grid: Stage Two: Determine Acceptable Evidence Enduring understandings, Essential knowledge and skills Types of assessments Essay Forced Choice Items Oral Response and reports Performance tasks Short Answer Items Student Self Assessment Teacher Observation Teacher-student conferences
Learning Plan
Are any of the activities of my day the “enemy of intelligence”?
Learning Activities Essential Question for us… What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired results? GRASPS The GRASPS model is helpful here.
GRASPS G G = Goal “Your task is…” R R = Role“ You are a…” A A = Audience“Your audience is…” S S = Situation“The challenge involves dealing with…” P P = Product, Performance and Purpose “You will create a ___________ in order to _____________.” S S= Standards and Criteria for Success “Your performance needs to…”
NOW… What do we do?
Criteria4321 Established Goals Design will skillfully address the relevant goal. Design will mostly address the relevant goal Design will somewhat address the relevant goal Design will weakly address the relevant goal Understandings “I can” statements will effectively lead students to an understanding of the big ideas. “I can” statements will mostly lead students to an understanding of the big ideas. “I can” statements will somewhat lead students to an understanding of the big ideas. “I can” statements will weakly lead students to an understanding of the big ideas. Essential Questions Questions will thoughtfully foster inquire, understanding and transfer of learning. Questions will mostly foster inquire, understanding and transfer of learning. Questions will somewhat foster inquire, understanding and transfer of learning. Questions will weakly foster inquire, understanding and transfer of learning. Formative Assessment Formative assessment was carefully planned throughout the design to strategically establish student progress. Formative assessment was mostly planned throughout the design to strategically establish student progress. Formative assessment was somewhat planned throughout the design to strategically establish student progress. Formative assessment was weakly planned throughout the design to strategically establish student progress.
Summative Assessment Summative assessment was carefully planned at the conclusion of the design to strategically establish student understanding of the Established Goal. Summative assessment was mostly planned at the conclusion of the design to strategically establish student understanding of the Established Goal. Summative assessment was somewhat planned at the conclusion of the design to strategically establish student understanding of the Established Goal. Summative assessment was weakly planned at the conclusion of the design to strategically establish student understanding of the Established Goal. Activities Learning Activities were carefully planned throughout the design to enable students to achieve the desired learning results. Learning Activities were mostly planned throughout the design to enable students to achieve the desired learning results. Learning Activities were somewhat planned throughout the design to enable students to achieve the desired learning results. Learning Activities were weakly planned throughout the design to enable students to achieve the desired learning results.
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