Whole Effluent Toxicity and How It May Help You & One City’s Experience Evaluating Unfamiliar Wastestreams Presented By Lyle Milby City of Norman Environmental Services August 5, 2009 Region VI Pretreatment Workshop
Whole Effluent Toxicity and How It May Help You Biomonitoring Indicator of Unregulated Industrial Activity Indicator of Unregulated Industrial Activity Regulatory Tool Evaluate New Wastestreams & Pollutants Evaluate New Wastestreams & Pollutants August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop2
One City’s Experience Evaluating Unfamiliar Wastestreams Tools for Evaluating Unfamiliar Wastestreams & Pollutants Norman’s Experience with WET & Respirometric Testing Writing WET into a Control Mechanism August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop3
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop4 City of Norman, Oklahoma Medium Size City – 107,000 Population 7 SIUs & 2 CIUs Technology Corridor University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Astellas Pharma Technologies Astellas Pharma Technologies SouthWest NanoTechnologies SouthWest NanoTechnologies
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop5 Wastestream Evaluation Toolbox EPA Regulations & Guidance Documents
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop 6 Wastestream Evaluation Toolbox EPA Regulations & Guidance Documents Material Safety Data Sheets - MSDS
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop 7 Wastestream Evaluation Toolbox EPA Regulations & Guidance Documents Material Safety Data Sheets - MSDS World Wide Web
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop 8 Wastestream Evaluation Toolbox EPA Regulations & Guidance Documents Material Safety Data Sheets - MSDS World Wide Web Yahoo Industrial Pretreatment Listserve
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop 9 Wastestream Evaluation Toolbox EPA Regulations & Guidance Documents Material Safety Data Sheets - MSDS World Wide Web Yahoo Industrial Pretreatment Listserve Toxicity Testing WET WET Respirometric Test Respirometric Test
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop10 University of Oklahoma Research Laboratories Power Plant Printing Services Small Quantity Generator of Hazardous Waste
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop11 Astellas Pharma Technologies Categorical Industrial User – CIU 40 CFR Part 439 – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category 40 CFR Part 439 – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category Subpart D – Mixing / Compounding and Formulation SubcategorySubpart D – Mixing / Compounding and Formulation Subcategory Subpart E – Research SubcategorySubpart E – Research Subcategory Regulating Waste From New Drug Development
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop12 SouthWest NanoTechnologies, Inc. Significant Industrial User 40 CFR Part 403 – General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution 40 CFR Part 403 – General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution Local Limits Local Limits Manufacturer of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes - CNTs
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop13 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Compound New Pharmaceutical Compound New Pharmaceutical Compound Toxicity of a Total Discharge Acid Neutralization System with potential Nanowaste Acid Neutralization System with potential Nanowaste
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop14 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Compound Astellas Astellas Establish Toxicity LevelEstablish Toxicity Level Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Pimephales promelas Pimephales promelas
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop15 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Compound Astellas Astellas Establish Toxicity LevelsEstablish Toxicity Levels Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Pimephales promelas Pimephales promelas Maximum granulation batch size15Kg Percent YM150 used in the product41.5% Estimated loss to drain, maximum5%
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop16 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Compound Astellas Astellas Establish Toxicity LevelsEstablish Toxicity Levels Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Ceriodaphnia dubia (NOEC mg/L) Pimephales promelas Pimephales promelas Evaluate Impact on Biological Treatment ProcessesEvaluate Impact on Biological Treatment Processes Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge 3mg/L, 2mg/L, and 1mg/L3mg/L, 2mg/L, and 1mg/L No inhibition observedNo inhibition observed
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop17 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Total Discharge SWeNT SWeNT Synthesize WastestreamSynthesize Wastestream Determine Dilution RatioDetermine Dilution Ratio
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop18 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Total Discharge SWeNT SWeNT Evaluate Impact on BiomonitoringEvaluate Impact on Biomonitoring WET Test Method WET Test Method 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, 32%, and 5.0% +CNT Dilutions 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, 32%, and 5.0% +CNT Dilutions Evaluate Impact on Biological Treatment ProcessesEvaluate Impact on Biological Treatment Processes Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge 0.001%, 0.005%, and 0.023% Dilutions 0.001%, 0.005%, and 0.023% Dilutions
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop19 Steps in Making the Determination Toxicity of a Total Discharge SWeNT SWeNT Build Manufacturing Facility and Wastewater Treatment SystemBuild Manufacturing Facility and Wastewater Treatment System Reevaluate Impact on BiomonitoringReevaluate Impact on Biomonitoring WET Test Method WET Test Method 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, and 32% Dilutions 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, and 32% Dilutions Reevaluate Impact on Biological Treatment ProcessesReevaluate Impact on Biological Treatment Processes Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge Respirometric Testing of Activated Sludge 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, and 32% Dilutions 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, and 32% Dilutions
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop20 City of Norman Root Control Program Introduction of Biocides into the POTW OPDES Requires Biomonitoring During Such Events Develop Control Document With WET Testing Language
August 5, th Annual Region VI Pretreatment Workshop21 Questions?