Do-Now Week 3 (write this down in your notebook-5min) 1.) Identify the prefix, root word, and suffix in the word-unkindness 2.) Explain two different types of context clues (last week’s lecture). 3.) Which types of strategies do you use for multiple choice ELA questions?
Agenda 2/8/2014 Do-Now Week 2 (5 min) PPT-Week 3 Word Analysis-Multiple Choice Strategies and an Introduction to Reading Comprehension Strategies (15 min) Test Prep Activity#1-Word Association (5 min) Test Prep Activity#2-Scanning (15 min) Test Prep Activity#3-RAFT (15 min) Exit Slip (15-20 min)
NOTES- any slide with a green title should be written down in your notebook.
ELA CAHSEE Boot Camp Week 3 Word Analysis-Multiple Choice Strategies and Introduction to Reading Comprehension Strategies
Standards: 10RW1.1 Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations. [5 questions] 10RW1.2 Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words and interpret the connotative power of words. [2 questions] 10RC2.8 Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument or defense of a claim by critiquing the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author’s intent affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material). [5 questions] 10RC2.4 Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension. [3 questions] 10RC2.5 Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration. [3 questions]
(Review)Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words Prefix-a word part that can be added to the beginning of a word to make a new word. (dis) Root Word-the word that’s left over when prefixes and suffixes have been removed. (infect) Suffix-a word part that can be added to the end of a word to make a new word. (ant) Dis-infect-ant=Disinfectant
(Review)Common Prefixes and Suffixes PREFIXES SUFFIXES Re= back, again * able ible= able to Sub= under * fy= to make Un= not * ism= the practice of Trans= across, * less= without, lacking beyond * semi= half, partly * ness= quality of
(Review)How will this help you on the CAHSEE? Word analysis skills are very important for the CAHSEE because they will help you decode the meaning and context of words within reading passages and also in the questions you are being asked.
Word Analysis-Strategies for Deducing Meaning Context clues-Learned This Skill Last Week X Multiple-choice strategies-Learning This Skill Today! Structural Clues Direction Change Word Association-Learning This Skill Today! Deconstruction
(Review)What are context clues? Context clues are words in a sentence or paragraph that help the reader figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
(Review)Types of Context Clues Synonym clue- figuring out the meaning of the unfamiliar word by replacing it with the familiar word. Comparison clue- comparing an unfamiliar word to a familiar word Contrast clue- an unfamiliar word may be used in contrast (differences) to a familiar word Explanation clue- an unfamiliar word may be followed with an explanation using familiar words.
Word Analysis-Multiple Choice Strategies Strategy A: Don’t look at the choices until the end. 1.Cover the answer choices with your hand. 2.Go back to the passage to determine how the word is used in context. (Note: These clues may appear in the same sentence or in the sentence/s before and/or after the word.) 3.Underline clue words. 4.Before looking at the answer choices, write what you think the word means. (What word would fit in the context?) 5.Examine the choices. Eliminate answer choices that are very different from your word. Pick the answer choice that most closely matches your word.
Strategy A-Large Group Practice Activity Part I. Example: Tragically, many tropical rain forests are so threatened by overdevelopment that they may be completely eradicated by the end of the century. (Write only the example and the correct answer). 1.Cover the answer choices with your hand. 2.Look at the passage to see how the word is used in context. 3.Underline clue words in the sentence. 4.Write in a word that would fit the context. _______________ 5.Now look at the answer choices. Cross out all answer choices that are not synonymous with your word. A.isolated B. destroyedC. rejuvenatedD. expanded
Strategy A-Part I. Answer B-Eradicated=Destroyed Why?-Provide context clues to justify the answer
Word Analysis-Multiple Choice Strategies Strategy B: Try out each choice in the original sentence. 1.Read the sentence or paragraph in which the word appears. 2.When you get to word in question, cover it with your hand. 3.Substitute each of the answer choices for the word you have covered and read the sentence. 4.Ask yourself, “Does this word make sense in the sentence?” 5.Cross out those words that do not fit and choose the word that makes the most sense in the sentence.
Strategy B-Large Group Practice Activity Part II. Example: But in captivity, when their keepers unknowingly were giving them leaves contaminated with acid, the koalas were left with only two options: eat the poisonous leaves or starve. (Write only the example and the correct answer). 1.Read the entire sentence. 2.Cover the word “contaminated” with your hand. 3.Substitute each of the choices and read the sentence. 4.Ask yourself, “Does this word make sense in the sentence?” 5.Cross out choices that do not make sense and choose the word that makes the most sense in the sentence. A.carried with B.polished with C.poisoned with D.grown from
Strategy B-Part II. Answer C-Poisoned with=Contaminated Why? Provide context clues to justify the answer
Introduction to Reading Comprehension On the CAHSEE you will be given several passages to read, followed by a series of multiple-choice questions that test your understanding of the text. There are a total of 38 reading comprehension questions on the CAHSEE: 18 questions based on informational (factual) text and 20 questions based on literary text (i.e. poems, plays, short stories, and memoir).
Reading Strategies for the CAHSEE There are five distinct types of questions on the CAHSEE: Right There!-We are learning about this skill today!! In Other Words... Up Here! What’s the Big Idea? Read All!
Reading Comp Strategy#1- Right There! Skim & Scan for a particular fact & look for an answer in the same words as the text. Scanning-involves moving your eyes quickly down the page, seeking specific words and phrases. Skimming-moving your eyes quickly down the page and focusing on any titles, headings, sub-headings, and text in bold.
End of Notes!!!!
Test Prep Activity#1-Word Association (5 min) As a group, identify the smaller words within the larger words on the next slide.
Test Prep Activity#1-Scanning (5 min) I. Superlative Proffer Differential Underlying Expertise Enthrone Egotistical Belittle Ingenious Longevity Legendary Marginal Maniacal
Test Prep Activity#1-Word Association Answer Key Proffer Differential Underlying Expertise Enthrone Egotistical Ingenious Longevity Legendary Marginal Maniacal Belittle
Test Prep Activity#2-Scanning (15 min) I. As large group review the scanning hints on page 8. As a large group read Deadly Leaves on page 8. Students will independently scan the reading as it is being read to them. As a large group students will answer the question on page 8. What evidence did you use to reach your answer?
Test Prep Activity#2-Scanning (15 min) II. Using the scanning skills on page 8, students will independently scan the information on page 9. They will then answer questions 1-7 on page 10. Students will check their answers with a table partner.
Test Prep Activity#2-Scanning (15 min) II. Key 1.) She can watch both. 2.) Channel 9-Nightly Business Report 3.) Marseille, France 4.) Kramer vs Kramer, The Ghost and Mrs.Muir 5.) Two 6.) Three-Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, The Apprentice 7.) Kramer vs Kramer
Test Prep Activity#3-RAFT (15 min) R-Role of author (argument being made or position on a topic) A-Audience-(who is the audience the author is writing to) F-Facts-(what facts does the author use to back up their arguments) T-Topic-(summarize the topic the author is writing about)
Test Prep Activity#3-RAFT (15 min) At your table group select one group member to read pages Fill-out the RAFT Template as you read this section. Answer the questions on pg.69. Review your answers with the large group.
Test Prep Activity#3-RAFT (15 min) Key Answers 1) B 2) B
Exit Slip: (15-20 mins) Get your assigned computer/ close notebook Log-on/ Use the test key from the CAHSEE BOOTCAMP file cabinet under Mrs. LaToya Kelley’s page. Cahsee Bootcamp Folder. Exit Slip Name- CB ELA Week Three Exit Slip
Time to Switch (1 minute stretch break before we start the next subject)
Reminders: (2 mins) Sign in Laptops NO BOOTCAMP next Saturday, Holiday. Return on 2/22. Study over your notes nightly Room must be left spotless (no trash, chairs on desks, I will check your desk before dismissal)