The Baltic Sea Total: 197512 CDIs Örjan Bäck 2014-01-17.


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Presentation transcript:

The Baltic Sea Total: CDIs Örjan Bäck

From 1999 and onwards  CDIs (about 50% of total number)

CDI distribution in time

CDI distribution in time

Summary per CDI partner

Summary per parameter Parameters to focus the work on for 2013 (first 6 months) with red mark

Summary per parameter (continue)

Contacts made  As the regional coordinator for the Baltic Sea I contacted all the partners around the Baltic Sea and reminded them to focus on making the following data available in the portal during the first 6 months of the project:  Oxygen, Nutrients, Chl-a, silicate and pH in the water column from the year 1999 and onwards.  I also delivered a data inventory from the Baltic Nest Institute (BNI) to the regional partners if BNI had some data from their country. To check if BNI had some complementary data that the partners didn’t have available at their institute.  I also asked the regional partners to check if ICES had complementary data.

Difficulties encountered  Inga Lips from Estonia was a bit unfamiliar with the CDI och ODV standards and construction of the files. We have been in contact by and I have helped her with some example files. I also had a look at their first created ODV-file and pointed out what was wrong and how to correct it.  With this in mind it could have been good idea to have arranged a training workshop for new partners/members in the autumn last year. Maybe investigate if there are still partners that are unfamiliar with the software/standards to see if there is interest to arrange one in the spring?  It was also unclear how to treat integrated Chl-a samples. We have some data that is collected by hose and that has start_depth = 0m and end_depth = 10m. Roy Lowry has made some suggestions to set primary parameter depth to a mean value, in this case 5m. And to specify the correct start/end depth as other ”secondary” depth parameters. We have not yet had the time to work with this integrated Chl-a data to supply it to the portal. Hopefully we can do this during the first quarter of this year. But our majority of Chl-a data, which are from sampling at discrete depths, are available in the portal.