Key Stage 3 National Strategy Foundation Subjects MFL: optional module 7
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National StrategySlide 7.1 Objectives for module 7 To establish a definition and rationale for creative activities in the MFL classroom To identify links between creativity and the Framework To take part in and reflect on a simple creative activity To encourage active follow-up by participants
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National StrategySlide 7.2 Creativity in MFL: a definition Creativity in MFL could involve: pupils encountering a wide range of different types of spoken and written text pupils engaging intellectually or emotionally with language used by others pupils meeting and using the language they know in new and unfamiliar contexts and in new combinations pupils combining and recombining pieces of language pupils putting something personal into their learning and their use of language
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity in MFL: a rationale Working creatively in MFL: can give pupils: – a sense of purpose for using the language they have acquired – opportunities to experiment with words, patterns and structures – contact with expert speakers and writers can develop: – confidence – flexible thinking – cultural awareness Slide of 2
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity in MFL: a rationale can make language: – memorable – interesting – enjoyable – empowering – you can do a lot with a little Slide of 2
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity and the Framework The Framework can promote creativity by helping teachers to… Creative activities can help pupils address the objectives of the Framework by providing… Slide 7.4
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity and the Framework The Framework can promote creativity by helping teachers to… develop their pupils’ understanding and control of language so that they have the confidence to communicate with others develop their pupils’ linguistic flexibility so that they can add to and vary the language they use give their pupils strategies for using language independently Creative activities can help pupils address the objectives of the Framework by providing… a stock of ‘memorable’ language that pupils will know and use before they meet it later in greater depth in a more formal teaching context new contexts in which to apply language that has already been taught Slide 7.5
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity and the Framework If creative activities can be linked directly to Framework objectives: time spent on planning, delivering and evaluating them is justified and legitimised they need to play a central role in curriculum planning Slide 7.6
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Les 10 règles de classe Il est interdit de parler en anglais Il est interdit de parler quand quelqu’un d’autre parle Il est interdit d’écrire sur les tables Il est interdit d’arriver en retard Il est interdit de dire des gros mots Il est interdit d’écouter un walkman Il est interdit de copier sur les autres Il est interdit de tricher Il est interdit de manger en classe Il est interdit de se battre Il y a dix règles de classe Il faut simplement les accepter Slide 7.7
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creative activities Pupils use a dictionary to find new and original adjectives to support a description of people in their family. Pupils have to make up different questions that could produce the answer ‘perhaps’. From a bank of statements made by Francophone children about ‘my ideal school’, pupils choose the five statements that best match their own thoughts and feelings. Slide 7.8
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Cherche l’intrus: Year 8 Framework objectives 8S5 Negative forms and words 8S2 Connectives in extended sentences 8L4 Extending sentences 8L5 Unscripted speech Slide 7.9
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Programme of study Breadth of study 5During Key Stages 3 and 4, pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through: acommunicating in the target language in pairs and groups and with their teacher cexpressing and discussing feelings and opinions fusing the target language creatively and imaginatively Slide 7.10
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Other aspects of the curriculum For example, MFL provides opportunities to promote: thinking skills, through developing pupils’ ability to draw inferences from unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, through enabling pupils to reflect on links between languages, and through developing pupils’ creative use of language and expression of their own ideas, attitudes and opinions. Slide 7.11
© Crown copyright 2003 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Creativity in the department Which of these statements applies to your department? Decisions are left to the individual teacher, so that some pupils do more creative work than others. Teachers are encouraged to share information on what they do, but nothing is recorded. Some creative activities feature in the scheme of work as optional extras. The scheme of work features a range of creative activities and a requirement that they take place. Activities are linked to learning objectives. The department shares information on the delivery and impact of creative activities to ensure consistency and pupil entitlement. Slide 7.12