JOSHUA 3 “Going in the Right Direction ”
Change in Direction Prompted by Fear Not all changes in direction are bad , “ Every child grows up asking two questions: o 1. Am I loved? o 2. Can I always get what I want? ” , “ Every child grows up asking two questions: o 1. Am I loved? o 2. Can I always get what I want? ” , “ Every child grows up asking two questions: o 1. Am I loved? o 2. Can I always get what I want? ” , “ Every child grows up asking two questions: o 1. Am I loved? o 2. Can I always get what I want? ”
“Going in the Right Direction” Lord knows there are people in all of our lives that need a change in their direction.
“Going in the Right Direction” But what we must grasp is that a change in direction involves either a familiar or unfamiliar path.
“Going in the Right Direction” Promoted by the Faithless Joshua knew about a change in direction which occurred 40 years prior prompted by fear and promoted by the faithless.
“Going in the Right Direction” Rebellion ensued Words of rebellion - “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! Why is the LORD bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt?” Actions of rebellion - And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” - the whole assembly talked about stoning them.
“Going in the Right Direction” Promised to Cause Death God was incensed at the 10 spies and the resulting effect it had on the Hebrews. No one presently over the age of twenty will see the promise land No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it. I will do the things you have said: In the desert your bodies will fall – I will oblige all your grumbling your children, who you said would be taken as plunder, they will inherit the land your children will be shepherds for forty years in wilderness - one year for each day your spies were in the promise land.
“Going in the Right Direction” The 10 faithless spies did not get a mitigated sentence – they died immediately by a plaque from the Lord. “turn back tomorrow and set out toward the desert along the route to the Red Sea.”
“Going in the Right Direction” Unknown Route Prompted by Faith As before, a change in direction is not bad unless God sends you back across ground already covered. This is a sign we have not learned our lessons properly – for it seems that the Bible and my own experience reveals that GOD prefers to lead us “in the way we have not passed before.”
“Going in the Right Direction” The way we have not passed before is not always the easiest way to go. Robert Frost wrote the road or path covered with leaves of original color not trodden black, green grass standing and with a bend leading into what appeared to be the under growth – one could not see the end.
“Going in the Right Direction” I am convinced God wants us on paths where the end is not always clear – the reason? He is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. As long as we are on the path He has placed us – the end is where He is. As long as we are on the path He has placed us is all we need to know. It does not matter if you cannot always see the end – the Bible teaches, “The just shall live by faith not by sight.”
“Going in the Right Direction” Promoted by the Faithful Noah Abraham Moses Elijah David
“Going in the Right Direction” The Unknown direction of faith has been promoted by the faithful who have gone before us. The unknown direction of faith is therefore a reliable direction not because we are familiar with it, but because we serve a God who is forever faithful – those who trust in Him will not be disappointed!
“Going in the Right Direction” Faithful Reward Problem Understanding Peter & the disciples
“Going in the Right Direction” Promised to bring Return Jesus said, the unknown direction of faith is one that ends with incredible reward – the key is never quit. It could be that when we are questioning God about our direction because we are unsure of our direction we may be right where God wants us to be.
“Going in the Right Direction” Things I want you to do and Remember 1. So many need a change in direction that involves completely unfamiliar territory – if you are always on the path that is familiar, seemingly comfortable and predictable it could be that you are wandering in the wilderness. Remember the Hebrew children spent 40 years in familiar territory because of their sin and rebellion - until God lead them into a place completely unfamiliar yet in the center of His will. Are you heading in the right direction? 2.As long as we are on the path He has placed us – the end is where He is and that should be all we need to know. It does not matter if you cannot always see the end – the Bible teaches, “The just shall live by faith not by sight.”