2.3 Unfamiliar Text An Overview
Your paper will include three extracts or pieces of text. You will use each of these to answer a question- you are aiming to demonstrate your understanding of the extract. There will be three different text types: Non-fiction- this is usually a column or opinion piece Prose Poem Structure of the Paper
Usually the questions are one sentence with two parts, however, some questions may only have one part. The first part usually asks you to analyse how techniques or methods are used to present an aspect of the text. The second part usually asks you to give reasons as to why this aspect is effective (important, has impact or influenced you) to the text as a whole. Sometimes questions may have an introductory comment or statement to direct your attention to a significant aspect of the text. Use this to direct and support your exploration and analysis of the following specified aspect of the text stated in the question. What kind of questions?
The main focus will be identifying and interpreting the effects of techniques used in each of the pieces of writing. You will need to know techniques that are used in each text type and their general effects. You will then need to apply this basic understanding to the context that you are reading. What do you need to know?
Each question is awarded a score out of 8- and awarded a grade Each question is awarded a score out of 8- and awarded a grade. This is called Grade Score Marking. Not Achieved= 0-2 Achieved= 3-4 Merit= 5-6 Excellence= 7-8 The boundary for the overall grade is set by the marking panel at the end of the year. How are you marked?
Because this standard uses grade score marking- you need to attempt each question in the paper. Any attempt at answering a question will allocate you SOME score. MANAGE YOUR TIME. Make sure you spend a similar amount of time on each question. Read the question before you read the passage. Strategies
It is a good idea when reading the extracts to annotate as you are reading. Bring a highlighter if possible. Highlight sections of text and make notes in the margins. Pay particular attention to identifying techniques. You should be discussing these throughout your answer. You should read the question in the booklet before reading the extract so you know what you are looking for. Annotation
Answering the question You should attempt to structure your answer clearly. Discussing technique by technique is a logical way to do this. (Aim for 3 techniques per question) You must quote from the extract in your answer. You must explain how your quotes support your points- like you would in an essay. You should attempt to discuss the author’s purpose (particularly in a column piece) where possible. Answering the question
Our Goals Learn some techniques for each text type. Practise identifying these techniques Practise explaining their effects in examples. Our Goals
Goal One- Learn Terminology Each week, leading up to the practice exam you will be given a set of terms/techniques to learn. At the end of the week there will be a quiz on edmodo to help you to test your understanding of these terms Goal One- Learn Terminology
You are able to access past unfamiliar papers on the NZQA website You are able to access past unfamiliar papers on the NZQA website. You can use these to attempt questions. I will put a link to the past papers on the wikipage/edmodo. When you attempt practice answers I am happy to mark these for you, as long as you tell me which paper they come from so I am able to mark accurately. We will also complete some practise work in class prior to the exam. Goals Two and Three